Luckily I’m going with 2 friends that don’t drink so normally when we go away I look forward to getting up early and get a full fun packed day!
I’ve caved and got some ciggies - I think I need to rid of one vice at a time! And drink is definitely the most dangerous for me.
Thank you for reaching it out it means a lot x
Here’s a bad dad joke to hopefully give you a chuckle for the day:
" I once was addicted to the hokey pokey…but I turned myself around!"
I understand about the cigarettes, it is a lot to do both at once. For myself, gaining mastery over one vice then leads me to take on another with more confidence. Others can do both at once…amazing!
Hope you have a fab time with your friends!!! Always feel free to come on here if you need a break and reminder!!
You bring up a point for me that I’ve been walking through @Penaortiz and I can identify with experiences in the thread for sure. Hiking and mountain biking has helped me feel so much better then when the heat plus all that is mentioned here landed I fell flat but kept knowing both that coping is what I really need to learn how to do better for when I can’t get to the physical aspects, when I can’t get to do the things I’d like to feel better. I’ve stayed steady with a meeting commitment, like @Hwest83 mentioned I hear hope in the meetings and solutions here n there which is always good to hear more of, I started doing defusion techniques and a couple of other things. I did think of drinking but I know I have to keep at it rather than drink and @Penaortiz was a key point for me this am. And @Hwest83 absolutely the hugs and and the way you put it and @Nosaj being single- it’s just not in me to not be social and want to connect and be single feels so wrong lol. It does feel like this flat experience is a new start to learn how to cope better but so challenging at the same time for sure. Wishing you all here a gentle loving caring type of way to be with your heart and experiences today, I know I need it lol.
definitely a dad joke!