Trying to quit smoking weed to build ambition

So I’m 19 and at 16 I became a highschool drop out and I’ve done a really good job with dropping all other drugs that I was bad with after my brother passed away. (coke etc…) Because I became pregnant at 17 and the hardest to quit has been weed. Sounds stupid but its the truth not only have I lost so much money to the stupid plant I am just now putting my foot down to quitting all toxins! That could harm or cloud my self judgement. I’m looking for motivation to quit because its my fall back. When I’m stressed , when I can’t sleep, when I can’t eat, when the depression hits and when I’m nervous…I’m looking for other fall backs. I’m an energized starving nervous shakey mess and ive only quit a day :disappointed: my family isn’t much help. They’re all users in their own way and in no shape to support or motivate me. I want to go to school and get an education and be able to make something more of myself! What motivates you people!?!


You don’t have it easy but you being in the position you are and even making a day quitting is amazing. I think the more you hate the drug the more it’ll be easier to quit? Try getting some support from your doctor if you can (sorry I don’t know if you need anything to see a doctor in your country). Keeping a regime for food and exercise might help you because I know I need structure


Thank you. I went for a run today…haven’t done that in awhile and it honestly made me feel lile crap but hopefully over time it will make me feel better. All I want to do is smoke so I can at least have An appetite but I’m not gonna touch it cause if I do I would be so disapointed in myself. The depression is real but its time I learn how to deal with these feelings without drugs.