Trying to sleep and curious how others did

This is my second time trying to stay sober after a recent relapse and I’ve noticed a couple things. I don’t like sleeping in my room anymore and I need to have something do drink right next to me the whole time. Thankfully, non-alcoholic still helps. I’d love any advice. The lack of sleep for me is the hardest part.

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Hot tea, binaural beats (meditation frequency you listen to), and a hot shower before bed (lowers your core temperature, relaxes muscles, makes it easier to sleep for what it’s worth) usually knocks me out. Unfortunately I’ve had chronic pain at night though so I’m gonna be watching this thread if anyone else has ideas because my strategy isn’t holding up at the moment like it used to. Hope you get better, pizza.


For me personally, it took weeks, possibly months for my sleeping to improve when I stopped drinking. I basically stuck it out and it slowly improved. Things that did help me though, was switching off the electronics an hour before bed time, reading in bed, playing relaxation music and also taking Magnesium Sleep tablets 30 minutes before turning out the lights. Trying to be active during the day with a big walk or good run also helped.


I use the Insight Timer app for sleep meditations when I can’t sleep at night. It’s a great meditation app a lot of use.

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I started taking 10 mg of melatonin 1/2 an hour before bedtime and i downloaded a boring audio book with a good narrator. Put in the ear buds, set the timer to 30 minutes and Ibwas off to sleep before the 30 mins were up. I know this because i have no idea what the book is about lol. Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


I am 40 days sober and the first 2 weeks was super difficult because of lack of sleep…
Everybody recovery and experience varies… but I changed up my whole routine and now I sleep very well.
I tried the following:
1- white noise
2- working out daily at the gym
3- healthy diet
4- usually before sleep some people brains becomes an engine of all negative thoughts and that was a huge problem for me so I meditate before sleep and try to watch something funny or something calming like video of nice sceneries

These things worked for me almost in the middle of third week of my sobriety

Stay strong and congrats on your sobriety… you can do this :pray:

I use things like, sleep meditations, exercise, some are on YouTube or app stores for free.

My first few weeks I was heavily medicated. So there is that.

You can also try herbal teas,

As far as drinks I keep water at my nightstand, it keeps me from getting dry, and binging water is much better than binging booze

I had to re-learn how to sleep. I had not gone to sleep without a drink (or 5) in years…maybe a decade.

The first week was really hard, I had serious withdrawal symptoms. But played with the right temperature in the room, blankets, position of pillows (in the beginning I had to sleep half propped up because as soon as I started falling asleep I would feel like I was suffocating. Thank goodness that went away after a week). I used some before bed meditations in the first month - a few from Calm. I followed the “how to meditate - 30 days” and loved it.

Good sleep routine: no crazy tv shows, I would come to bed with a cup of herbal tea and a book for an hour before sleep. No phone.

I have to say that it was the biggest, most unexpected surprise and gift from sobriety: I learned how to sleep again, soundly, restfully, naturally.

It takes time, be patient. Absolutely worth it. :heart:

PS: I also keep water next to me on my bedside table too

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Right now I am using sleep aids to help me sleep. I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep.

I am able to sleep pretty good, still hope it gets better.

Tried melatonin but that wasnt for me. May work for you. It does wonders for others.
I use non scented lotion and do a light foot massage- usually knocks me out for hours. Also try lavender essential oil. Can do as a diffuser and add a small amount on pillow. Best of luck in getting them :zzz: :sleeping:

I can totally relate. I love being sober. But i hate not being able to sleep through the night. Im happy when i can sleep for more than 2 hours. It’s an inconvenience but a small one to trade off for sobriety.

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