Trying to sort my life out and get sober

After years of trying to control of my drinking and drug taking, I have decided enough is enough and that I need to make a serious change. So much of my teenage and adult existence revolved around using substances. It has gotten to the point that I can’t take it anymore and I need to get help. I have finally admitted that I am an addict but I need some help about where to go next from here.

I’ve been to a meeting or two in the past but never consistently. Is this community a good resource to pick others brains on each others experiences and look for support? It is not always possible for me to go to meetings due to my working hours.

I need some help on where to start and where to go?



Welcome @Change2 :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Talking Sober is a great place to learn. There’s lots of knowledgeable people here on TS, and lots of resources. This thread is one of my faves:

Resources for our recovery

Meetings have been very helpful for me. I attend online meetings often. There are tens of thousands of online meetings, and because they are worldwide, it is possible to find one 24 hours a day. Search “AA online meeting”, “AA marathon meeting”, or similar terms and you will find many links. The AA website has links to online meetings too.

Welcome to Talking Sober!


Hi @Matt

Thanks for your response. I will have a for an online meeting just now. Thanks again



Welcome to TS! And congratulations on making the decision to start your sober journey! We’re so happy you’re here!

Absolutely! I downloaded this app when I finally decided it was time to get clean, and the people and information here has been my biggest support and one of the biggest reasons I’m sober now.

There are also online meetings like @Matt mentioned

I’ve used in the rooms and I’ve looked at some SMART meetings as well.

Looking forward to seeing you around :blush::people_hugging:


These feelings you have are common unfortunately. Very early withdrawal is not a fun experience. Then again, niether is active addiction.

Good news is you have the desire to stop, but going it alone isn’t going to work and this is great place to start!

You can borrow my sober plan for now until you get your own, but in the meantime go easy on yourself and give yourself grace. :blush:


  1. Trust God. Always and w/everything. Let go & let God. Nothing is impossible!

  2. Be kind. Show compassion, love and forgiveness to yourself (and others). You ARE worthy! :people_hugging:

  3. One day at a time. We are only promised today. Be in the present. :man_in_lotus_position:

  4. Sleep. Blessed sleep. :sleeping:

  5. Exercise, Nature & Yoga. :muscle:

  6. Eat a good diet and drink lots of water. :stew: :potable_water:

  7. Laughter. Fun. Joke. Smile. Joy. :blush:

  8. Build a network of positive people who support your sobriety. Find your tribe over time. The opposite of addiction is connection. :people_hugging:

  9. Check your thoughts. Talk back to your inner critic. Feelings aren’t facts. Get out of your comfort zone. :thinking:

  10. Be of service to others. :sos:

  11. When you think you’re “cured”, you’re not! Play the tape forward!!
    Hold the bad
    addict memories
    close, but don’t
    dwell on them.

  12. Monitor the content you feed your mind and stay busy. Read books. Journalling :writing_hand:

  13. Mindfulness and Prayer. BREATHE!

  14. Be accountable to God at the end of the day. Do the next right thing. Make the next right choice. The wages of sin is death. Don’t be selfish! :latin_cross:

  15. Honor yourself, your children, your family and your friends by “doing the work”. :family_man_girl_girl:

  16. Express gratitude every day. :pray:

  17. Positive Mental Attitude. :brain:


Welcome to Talking Sober!! I commend you on taking the 1st step and realizing that you have a problem.
It’s not going to be easy and at times you’ll want to give up. You need to talk, we’re here for you anytime hun​:sparkles::pray::sparkling_heart: prayers hugs and love

What a great list!!!

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Hello and welcome to TS! :slightly_smiling_face: You’re here and this is a great place to be! Stick around.

Wow that’s is some list. Thank you

You’ve had to lend that list out twice… im borrowing it :innocent:

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This is a great community with every stage of recovery represented. I’m 104 days sober and wouldn’t have been able to do it without this community. Hearing the real life struggles and successes has made my recovery easier. I know I’m not alone, or unique, in my struggles.