Trying to stay calm while my boyfriend is in rehab... AGAIN

I don’t even know where to start tbh… he has been to rehab 3 times in the past 2 months. He went away again for another month two nights ago. I made a huge change in my life and moved cities to be with him. While he knows I can’t go home, now his parents want me out of the house because they think I’m the issue. They told me he can’t stay sober because of me, but that’s not the case at all he couldn’t stay sober before I was here. I’m at my 60 day mark in one week exactly. So I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be doing. His mother on the other hand smothers him and enables the Fuck out of him. She will literally hand him 15 Percocet at a time so he doesn’t “use heroin instead”, but all that is doing is making him want it more. She will also give him cups of liquor knowing he has an issue with alcohol too. Not only to mention the mass amounts of Klonopin she’ll buy for him. AND SHE SAYS IM THE PROBLEM. Anyways sorry for that rant. I’m so deeply in love with this man I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m trying to work doubles to make enough to at least rent a room in the area but she keeps trying to tell me to go back to where I came from knowing damn well I can’t. It is making it that much harder for me to stay sober!!


That sounds super stressful. Good for you for staying sober this far! Thank you for coming on here to rant and get some of the frustration out. I would say just remember that in sobriety you gotta keep putting yourself and your own health first. If he’s not ready to make those changes and his mom is in denial about her enabling it seems like it’s just gonna keep getting more stressful. I hope things get better and you can get your own place soon. I hope you keep coming on here for support and motivation.


It’s a difficult situation your in. Sounds like a bad place for both yourself and your partner to be around.
Welcome to the community and congratulations on your 60 days :sparkler:


Work the doubles. Rent the room. When he gets out, you both find another place. Then he has an alternative to living with his enabling mother.

As far as the situation challenging your sobriety, keep doing what you need to do to recover, and let it motivate you even further to live clean and sober. This is the path to freedom, and you can show your boyfriend the way forward.


Did his mother’s behavior come up in rehab? I would think that their staff would be telling both of you to get out of her house asap? Rough situation, and huge pat on the back for staying sober.


It sounds like that is a toxic house for you. I hope you can find a place of your own. In the meantime I hope you can minimise your interactions with her and focus on your sobriety. You are doing great at 60 days! You made it yesterday, you can do it again today :sparkling_heart:

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