Twenty days ago today, I was sitting on my couch in the early afternoon finishing my second bottle of wine for the day. I had started drinking early to help me recover from the hangover from the night before (and I drank the day before to recover from the hangover from the day before that. You get the idea). I was stuck in this never ending loop. I wanted to stop drinking, but felt so bad in the mornings that I said to myself, “Ok, I’ll just have one glass to take the edge off” . One glass turned into one bottle. One bottle i turned nto two. Two turned into three. And the whole thing repeated the next day. Day after day after day.
Then that Monday afternoon, something clicked and I realized I needed to do something about this. I checked myself into Detox for a week and I haven’t had a drink since.
During the past twenty days I’ve been doing a lot to keep myself active. I’ve been trying to get back into the things I used to enjoy. I’m continuing therapy which is helping get to the " Why" of my drinking. (The drinking is just a symptom of something deeper emotionally I think). I’ve been doing some meetings and also meditation to help with the daily stress of life. I finally feel like I am starting to get my life back. It’s amazing how productive you can be when you aren’t drunk or hungover.
Twenty days sober today and looking forward to 30!!!