Two weeks so far

Two weeks sans Alky. The fourth week is going to be the hardest because that is when I have always messed up. So I am just checking in to try to reinforce my resolve.


Congrats on your 2 weeks! Stay connected friend – utilize your support and your tools to help you through the 4 week mark. You can stack up the days and keep going :muscle: :tada: :tada:


Well done on your two weeks!

Maybe try some positive thinking about week 4. Some statements for you:

  1. It’s in the future. It’s not here yet, no point in fretting it.
  2. Week 4 will be easy, I’ll have 3 weeks experience by then!
  3. On the last day of week 4, I’m going to treat myself to a new hat (or ice cream or pedicure etc)

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


Congratulations on 2 weeks!!! Try not to worry too much about the 4th week mark. I know it can be worrisome but its just another day :slight_smile: My relapse day used to be every 3rd day and Id get worked about it which actually did me a disservice bcuz me being worked up increased my urge to use. So try to treat the 4th week mark as any other day. Its literally one day at a time. And as mentioned, stick even closer to ur supports. Make a plan of action for ur days and follow thru. U CAN absolutely get thru this tough time.


Thank you all


@DaughterOfTheSea , I managed a day off of eight weeks sober four years ago and that one fucking day was too much my alky brain was saying fucking hell you can have a half now and again now you’ve gone this long !!! A HALF ….like I’ve ever wanted a HALF of fuck all :unamused: …there’s the insanity right there .I love @Butterflymoonwoman s advice , fuck the weeks …we’ve got one day …everyday ,keep your chin up .

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Thank you. That is the slippery slope. We have to stay in a nice flowery meadow, not on an old icy slippery slope. (I love metaphors, though the ones I just wrote probably are not the best.)

You can do this. You don’t need booze!

Go to a meeting. Go to a gym. Come on here and chat with us