Two years sober, let me share with you…

Today is my birthday to a new life. Today is my second year sober. Let me share with you my happiness and my meditations. Thank you, all this community, and congratulations to all that have been a day full of sobriety.

Please, take five minutes: these are thinkings of recovery:

  • Alcohol is a disease, so being sober, healing, is as important as work. This is a main task of our life.
  • It is not a challenge; it is not a question of beating records. Just one day at a time. 24 hours and tomorrow more.
  • A new life is coming, problems will be still there but, at least, alcohol will not be one of them and, the other struggles, will be softer and light without the booze.
  • Maybe you must renounce to some people, to some places, to some whatever. No matter, it deserves a lot. You will gain family, friends neighbours and partners.
  • Remember: you can do this… with the help of the others: sobriety groups, AA, professionals of medicine. All people help.

Thank you for reading. Kind regards and best luck.


Congratulations with your milestone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

And thank you for your share that will help others :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thank you very much!!!

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Way to go friend! 2 years is remarkable :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada:… keep up the great work.
Thanks for the insight and sharing your journey here with us :pray:t4: ODAAT

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Amazing :star_struck: congratulations :partying_face:

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Congrats on 2 years and thank you for your sharing!

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Congratulations on your 2 years sober EF. So proud of you.
Great share.
You are doing this!!

Thank you ver much, kind regards

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Thank you for the giff :heart:

Well done @EFountains im very happy for you! Wish you well on your continued journey friend :pray:

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:hugs:Congratulations and thanks for content, nicely put.

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Kind regards, thank you very much!

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Continuing the journey, kind regards :pray::pray::pray:

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