Ugh I hate night time

So I have 14 days sober now and the nightmares have returned. Anyone else have this issue? They were part of the reason I STARTED drinking. How’d you change your dreams?


Congratulations on your 2 weeks. That’s awesome.
I use a lot of guided meditations from the Breethe app. There’s many meditation apps out there for all situations. I find it a great practice and now I do it on a regular basis. It took awhile to surrender and get it down but I find it very beneficial.

I don’t know about

But it sure isn’t a reason to pick up again. Well, there’s no good reason to pick up again. We know picking up never fix a problem. Maybe just let your body and mind heal from all the poison you’ve given it. Dreams are just weird.
You’re doing great.


Oh yes. It happens so often we have a tag for it! Lots of posts about drinking dreams specifically…

Good news is, this is one of those things that eases up over time, too.

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Nightmares are very common when quitting substances like alcohol, drugs, medication. They typically fade in frequency and intensity over time, several weeks to months…

But it sounds like you’ve had them before you started drinking?

Other causes include depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, PTSD.

There are behavioral changes you can make that can reduce the.frequency of your nightmares (there’s resources online).

And if all else fails, talk with your doctor about it. There could be a medicinal solution or referral to sleep therapy.


Have you tried putting in earphones and listening to a guided meditation as you drift off


Yeah I had a very traumatic childhood/teens. I’ve done lots of different things to deal/cope/self medicate. I don’t ever dream about drinking or using though. So IDK. It just sucks. Plus, right now the baby is teething HARDCORE and not sleeping well soo yeah. I haven’t slept without waking up 2-3 times a night in about 3 weeks? I long for night time to come, and then when it gets here, it sucks.