Ugh the thoughts someone talk to me

Most days are really easy for me. My trigger is being alone when my kids leave for the weekend…last night was rough so i just went to sleep.


But this is YOUR time!! What do you like to do? Make a list of those things and do them, enjoy your you time you deserve it :heart:


Take this time to discover your new self. You are much more than a mom and a sober person. What is it you like to do? If you don’t know, that’s ok. Try various hobbies until something clicks.


Going to sleep is a good strategy if you have had a rough time. My hope is that your Saturday morning will be better with some rest.


I was terrified of free alone time for months. I would plan out the time: this movie, this cleaning, this exercise, etc. What are you interested in, but that drinking/,using took up your time so you couldn’t do it?


In early sobriety, being alone can be down right challenging and dangerous.

Create a schedule so that you have every minute of your day planned.

Make tine to check in here every 4, or 2 or every hour. Allow yourself time to read some posts and threads, check in and stay busy.

If you find your mind wandering down a dangerous path, play the tape forward and explore where that will go.

Be sure to eat regularly and get some exercise. Hot baths or showers are your friend too! And early bed is always a good idea!


This post was from last month, how are you doing with being alone since then? I’ve learned to embrace down time or time to do my own stuff. For most of the year I coach baseball and Sundays are usually grass cutting days. It would be easy to get upset that I’m out there cutting by myself but I use it as time to reflect on my life and to accomplish something simple. It’s amazing how just accomplishing something can change your outlook on things :slightly_smiling_face:

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Its gotten better for sure, just like you said chanel that time into something else. I’ve started therapy, journaling and mediation and what a difference it has been in shifting my focus from being lonely to self reflecting. Thank you for taking the time to share a bit of your ways in helping to cope. :pray::raised_hands:


I have done counseling for a long time off and on with a personal counselor since my days in the military. I’m a firm believer that there are many strategies out there and different things work for different people. I haven’t done any group meetings I like to go one on one and work through it with a counselor. But, many people on here attend meetings and that works too! I’m glad it’s gotten better for you! In the early days I battled regret a lot but each day that passed I was able to forgive myself more and more and now I am able to look at my past and laugh a lot about it and embrace how much more productive my days are. The freedom from old habits brings me joy because the people in my life love me even more in a healthy and clean state. I often feared people would be mad at me for my changes because I was the life of the party. But, I told myself anyone who didn’t support me weren’t really friends and didn’t truly care about me. Eventually, other people I drank with decided to get sober too which was neat because my choices inspired them to be better too!

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Isolation and loneliness used to destroy me. I relied on having my kids around to keep me sane and sober.

I’ve really had to search for positive distractions to keep me on the straight and narrow. Took a lot to find things for me because I forgot what I enjoyed beyond unhealthy things.