Unexpected personal experience

I havent posted here in a while (definitely dropped the ball on memes) but everything is well… more than well. Life has really turned around. Theres still stresses and complications and hardships but with time all things can be solved. And i finally have hope.

Ill be honest, when i first joined this app i was an absolute disaster. In a dark place, no outlets to escape personal pain, alone in a horrible mental state, and was just blasting my mind and soul with my addiction just to feel anything and get away from whatever i could. It helped to interact with others, share memes, and feel like i wasnt totally alone. But it wasnt quite enough to get me out of the cycle and negative places. I was starting to think of leaving, to just give up and accept i was a wreck. But then through luck or fate or whatever it was, just before that i replied to someones meme and before i knew it we were talking daily.

It started with memes and talking about what we struggled with, then just little things about each other or life experiences. It quickly grew into a great friendship. I was getting more and more excited to share the next meme or how the day was. As we shared more and more we ended up doing face reveals (i was irritating and hesitant about mine at first… sorry about that :laughing:) but eventually opened up and from that point things changed even more…

We started sharing more about our stories and personal history and there were lots of similarities and connections. we started talking even more. It became the happiest part of my day to talk to her and my negativity and even addiction seemed to just fade away. We eventually exchanged numbers and as we talked we unexpectedly found our feelings grew more than before. And have only grown daily.

When we first brought it up i was incredibly nervous and shy about admitting how i felt. Our circumstances and locations would make it tricky but despite that eventually we just went for it. And ive not regretted it once. Finally after years, i feel alive and happy. Just to wake up and talk to that special someone about anything and know how they feel is the best medicine. And ive never been so thankful to meet someone this special in my life. I just have to gush about her. She is the kindest, most understanding, funny, honest, sincere, beautiful, and smart woman ive ever met. Im so amazed and proud of all she has done and overcome. And she honestly saved me from myself. I can never thank her enough for everything.

I never expected this is how things would go, but i wouldnt change a thing. Its all worth it. Life finally feels right. Shes made me a better person. And i love her.



Great to see you posting. So very happy to read that you are doing well in your journey and have made such an incredible connection.

It’s the unexpected moments sometimes that hold the most change within us

Glad you are here with us. :people_hugging:


It has been an incredible and very unexpected turn of events @DoDoBird :heart: This is something neither of us were looking for. It has taken us completely by surprise, but, I am beyond grateful that we have found each other because I can’t imagine life without you in it.

You are the sweetest, kindest, most genuine and thoughtful person I know and you have the best sense of humour (plus, your meme game is :pinched_fingers::yum:). This is the happiest I have ever been. You complete me and I love you so much. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.


Beautiful story. Very inspirational as I’ve always tried to find something positive in bad situations, circumstances.