Update on my situation

Hi everyone, @MissQuinn very thoughtfully sent me a message earlier to see how I am getting on so I thought I ought to post an update for all you other lovely pepole who listened and helped in my many hours of need!
3 weeks ago my husband had said that he wanted us to look for separate places now our house is sold but he did an about turn last week and said all the things I had been waiting to hear over these past months-namely that he has treated me badly, is sorry for not being supportive of my quitting AL and that he wants us to make a go of our marriage - only problem is I have moved on now - I sign for a lovely rental house on Wednesday and I am getting myself sorted with all the things I need (purple kettle and toaster being my first purchases! !!) And I feel like the road he forced me down is actually the path I want and need to take so we have agreed it will be a trial separation for now and we will see how things go. We have discussed our past relationship and we realise that there are many things that need to change if we do get back together in the future, it seems like me quitting drinking was merely a catalyst and now we can see there were problems we weren’t ready or willing to face before!
I am terrified and emotional and I have no idea what the future holds for me but I have a tiny excited seed inside myself which is waiting to germinate and I am carefully watering it and hopefully I will have a healthy seedling this time next week when I am in my new place!! (And that was all just a metaphor I am not pregnant before anyone asks lol!!)


@jasmine69 It is so great to hear from you!! That’s quite the rollercoaster 3 weeks you have had.

But overall you sound very positive. Of course you will also be feeling scared and emotional with this change ahead of you.

But it really does sound like a spark has ignited inside you and that feeling will drive you forward, in the direction YOU want to go.

Wishing you every ounce of strength and happiness that you deserve! :purple_heart: :yellow_heart:
Whatever the days ahead have in store for you, you are SO ready to handle it!!

And we are all still here, don’t be a stranger xx


@Jasmine69 He was SO back and forth the whole time!!! Would drive me nutso. Glad to hear from you and your new beginning sounds exciting and hopeful!!! :heart:


Take some time to sort things out. I still can’t fathom that patience is a virtue, but I know it is. Make sure things are where you want them to be, then take it slow.


Love ya @Jasmine69, I have your back.

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It’s been inspiring to see what a strong woman you are growing into. Time to focus on you. I’d go crazy if my husband was back and forth with his emotions. Thank you so much for sharing where you are right now in life. :purple_heart:


Way to go @Jasmine69! I’m so glad you are doing well! This sounds like it will be a wonderful new beginning for you. You deserve it! As @Zara said…don’t be a stranger! :blush:


It’s good to hear from you @Jasmine69 and good to hear that you are seeing some positive things in this difficult time.

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I’m so glad you came to update.

I think you are right to take this opportunity to grow and find what you really are and need. If he really wants it to work he’ll wait and give you this space.

Don’t be a stranger. We missed you.

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Hi jasmine. I don’t know you but I want to send you a hug full of hope for a future you want deserve!!

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Excellent! Glad to see you again @Jasmine69

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Thinking of you @Jasmine69! Glad you checked in and have a clear path forward (for now!). Awesome that you are staying strong and sober through this!

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This qd such a great post! Exited for you :slight_smile: congrats on your new state of mind and looking forward to future awesome updates xoxoxox

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Thanks for all the lovely replies, I got the keys to my new pad today, a bittersweet moment but I am trying to stay positive. We told our son tonight and he was absolutely fine with it bizarrely, I took him to see our new place and he loves it so that is a big weight off my mind as I had been dreading it all! My hubby is being really funny but I guess that is to be expected and I’m just trying to keep out of his way, got a couple of friends helping me move over the next two days and going to actually leave on Saturday - wish me luck!!


How’s the new home @jasmine69? I hope you are settling in ok… :slight_smile: :purple_heart:


Hi I’m ok thanks it was extremely upsetting the last couple of days before I left but my son and I mobed in yesterday and I love it, spent the last two days making up furniture and unpacking boxes and it’s starting to look and feel homely :slight_smile:


So glad you are doing well! Your happiness matters so I say rock your new freedom and see where it takes you! Maybe you will find your way back to your husband but maybe you will both end up in better places.

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