Virtual AA Meeting

Let’s pick a topic and do an online meeting. I haven’t been to one in a few days and I’m in need of the experience strength and hope. You pick the topic. We can talk about whatever.


Awesome idea! I’m up for any topic personally :slight_smile:

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Ok how about powerlessness?


Old timers taught me when I pray not to forget who the powerless one is.

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My feelings of anxiety and powerlessness started at a young age and before I started drinking I would use bulimia and OCD habits to control things. Feel in power of something.
When I stared drinking in high school up into my late 20’s I didn’t feel the NEED to drink to have power and I had a handle on my life and emotions.
When I turned 28 my first husband (worse person ever to me) left me. 29 I became a single mother. When I turned 30 my sister lost her horrible and drastically quick battle with cancer. 31 I left my home to live with roommates that started out amazing and turned into a bad situation for myself and my son.
A lot of things happened all at once that made me feel more out of control than ever.
In therapy, I am finding that my new found sobriety and medication is extremely helpful as well is allowing me to see that I used drinking to help with the feeling of being powerless. Powerless over my life. My mortality. My existence. People die around me for no reason or for a unbearable reason. Before my son I never thought about these things. Now I have the reason I live right in front of my eyes every day and I couldn’t imagine living away from him.
Taking a step back and looking at the big picture… no one has power over life or death. The only thing we have power over is how we live our lives. How we spend our time, no matter the days numbered. Choose to live life and love and experience and hurt and feel and take it all in. Choosing that, is true power. Im so proud of all the people I’ve met and heard through their journeys. I miss the ones I’ve lost. The ones that gave into being powerless. We’re on this journey together. Give yourself the power to choose life over addiction and crutches :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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