Virtual United Airlines NYC Half Marathon March 20-28, 2021

You don’t have to rush, so you can avoid the suffering on the following days.
You haven’t said no :slight_smile:

The slower you run, the longer the suffering :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but I guess I won’t be fit until then. Won’t have much peace of mind before end of Feb. So, I guess it would be sth like in Freiburg 2018.

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i would be so into this if i wasn’t on the tail end of recovering from a broken ankle! my plan is run a full in 2022!


They aren’t hard to chew at all, they are soft. I cant handle actual food or bars while I’m running. It makes me sick.

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… Yes my stomach hurts now… badly… Next time I will definetly try something else :grimacing:

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I use a shake from GNC about hour b4 my run.
Its amazing. So much more stamina, energy through the roof

… I just can’t have food on my stomach. Doesn’t work for me at all. You won’t be disappointed.


I buy the chocolate one.

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I want new running shoes to break in before March. What do u guys think? What kind of running shoes do u like?

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Oh so it is a burner. it has Carnitine, Caffeine, Chromium and more. I know those type of supplements, but I see this one has lots sof good stuff added. Looks nice to me. Still my favorite supplement before workout is Citrulline Mallate it gives slight boost but has nothing added - the boost is becasue it boost nitric oxide production in the body, also it increases plasma levels of ornithine and arginine and improves the ammonia recycling process and nitric oxide metabolism.

Very good stuff


That other one “burner”… I would also use mid day at work instead of lunch… food tends to relax me, lol. Too much. So, I didnt just take it for a run or workout. It would give me the energy I needed to finish out my day. On my feet all day from like 9-6… doing hair.


Till now I have had Saucony, now I have an Asics, but honestly I was more satisfied with Saucony.


Today I could finally go for a short run, although at some places it was still ice under the snow, so I was unwittingly grabbing the ground with all of my toes in my shoes, lol.
I ran really rarely in this winter, so I was thinking of starting the preparation with running about 5k-s for a week, and then increase it slowly while doing one long run every week (also gradually increased) for the next six weeks.


How does one sign up? I might be interested


You can register here for free:

The only thing you need to have is a strava app on your phone and you’re good to go.

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@tomek is Strava the only option I use the under armor app, cause I BMX bike a lot and it tracks that too

As far as I know only strava, because this whole event is sponsored by them.


Fair enough I’ll just have to adapt

I guess there is a 30-day free trial for strava, so you don’t have to commit yourself to it by subscription if you already use something else.

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Ok that works, yes under armor is free with upgrades for subscribers but I don’t get too crazy with it

@Tomek Great job getting outside for a short run! Do you use any traction (like coils, screws, spikes) while running in the snow/ice? Yesterday I ran in my Altra Lone Peak RSM (for Rain, Snow, Mud) along with Yaktrax with screws in front & coils in the back.