Waking up, it's a morning thing

I train traditional boxing, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Lethwei. About a year away from Black Belt in Krav.

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I have been watching Krav Maga and practicing some of the movements. I thought I had one down and wanted to show my Bro. He is trained in Jiu jitsi. He took me down so fast. Lol!

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Thata awesome.
I should look up courses. Sounds like a blast.

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I needed chit chat time. Been stuck in my head. Blah.

Woke up far to early if this carries on I will have to become one of those people who get up at 4am and become a millionaire… Don’t think inside the box, think there is no box.

Went to the gym today to ask about boxing they do kick boxing but my knees are old and weak, I might go back and ask if I can just turn up and pay to punch the bags.

Woke up today and I hate the world, no one gives a shit about me in the entire fucking universe. I spend everyday being ignored by everyone and my Mrs does nothing but moan or sits there sulking cos I ignore her. If you speak to me you won’t get ignored its a 2 way thing. I’m angry I’m sober, I’ve had 2 drinks in 3 months so why do I think I can’t have another because I didn’t carry on drinking the last 2 times. I could be denying myself of something I’ve learnt to control and don’t even know it. Loads, if not everyone, on here keeps relapsing and just gets told to start again and then goes a few more days without. Well having a couple of beers a week does not make you an alcoholic. All I have left right now is prayer to keep me company and as even this is new I’m not sure that talking to yourself means I’m schizophrenic or not. Even this app upsets me and I don’t think it’s having the effect it used to. I do meditate, I do control my breathing, I do study Buddhism and all that inner peace stuff but it’s not healthy to sit there chanting happy fucking mantras, screaming at the world and realising all that negative energy works just as well sometimes but then we have to feel guilty because a book says your not in control of your emotions. I’m not going to sit there like a dumb shit repressing and anylising emotions if I’m happy I’m happy if I’m sad then I’m sad, simply. Have a lovely day.

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Having goals are always good even if it’s something really small my goal today is to do some exercise.x

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Good for you, my goal today is don’t kill anyone. I prefer yours.


Pauly, do you want to talk bud?

no thanks I’m going out now try to calm down, I just don’t think I fit in on here today and I definetly don’t feel like a Walton.

Mate only you know if your missing out on something your are now able to control, I do however think that is your bad mood talking.
We care about you and is the forum is getting on your tits then you know that we will be here when you come back. I’m sorry that your having a shit time of it. :frowning::frowning:

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I get the resentment at being sober and that generally off kilter and angry feeling. I’m not saying it’s wrong to feel like that. Feelings aren’t facts, as I’ve heard it said.

I don’t like to feel that way, and it takes me a lot of work to change it. The first place I start is to not feed the argument and the justification going on in my head. I shut that down, most often, by one of two methods. Either vigorous physical action to the point of exhaustion ( and the more opportunities to throw things, the better, stacking wood is a great activity for that), or by a specific mental exercise listing things, people, and situations that I’m grateful for.


The worst decisions I’ve made (and the ones I regret most) were made when I was mad at the world. Now there were also times where I was in that same mental space, and heard that little voice say “this will pass. Don’t do anything you might regret later”…and it did pass, without leaving a stinking pile of regret behind.

Yes, you can choose to drink, but you can choose not to, just as easily. Drinking won’t make your relationship with your wife any better, nor will it resolve your anger over feeling isolated and alone. I pray you choose wisely.


TBH prayer is what saved me this time to cut a long story short went to church for peace but it was packed with people I knew and made me feel much better and put my life and what I perceive to be problems into perspective. I AM SOBER.


Today was the first time in ages that I have woke up with the guilt and shame, I remember seeing the new year in clean and sober so where did it go wrong. How did I become weak enough to drink and smoke weed. This hopelessness I never wanted to feel again, then about 5 seconds later I realised it had been a dream, the joy that washed over me was immaculate. I then read today’s reflection and its so true. I DO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES BECAUSE I AM ONE.


My first one made me cry when I woke up mate.
The feelings were so so real.


Well it’s never happened before and I’m taking it as a sign from my HP to remind me what this year all about. The plus side is I’m now popping out for a fry up to soak it all up. :joy: :joy: :joy: catch you later and happy new year.


Yeah, I’ve only had 3 I think.
Some people have them regularly. I’m glad I don’t.

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AHH how positive ,that feeling of utter Shame and saddness,just to realize it was a dream,if you ever need to chat pm me ive always got time for ppl that have made time for me :100:.

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