Wanting to give up so badly

Today at work was so incredibly stressful, I cried in the stock room at my job for maybe 45 seconds before another customer came in the store. It was so busy and people were being so mean to me and then my grandmother who picks me up from work fell asleep and I had to call her to wake her up to come get me and she was so mean to me too. I’m sitting on my bedroom floor sobbing, all I want to do right now is drink and get absolutely wasted. Being sober is so hard and I’m trying so hard to stay strong. I need this 6:00 meeting to be here now.


You are strong!
Being sober isn’t hard.
Drinking is soo fucking hard…!!!
Believe me, you will c that clearer in a few weeks.

Your emotions are not forever…
Treat yourself with something you like…
Something to eat, sports, Selfcare…

You are not alone! Stay strong… You will be very proud! :muscle:t2::hugs:


I’ve finally stopped crying and I’m working on my diamond painting I recently got to try to take my mind off things, I’m still new sobriety, 18 days but it feels like a century


Have you tried the 24 zoom AA meeting. I logged in earlier for the first time. Awesome that they do that. I’ll find the meeting link number and post it here.


The 24 zoom AA meeting number is 292 371 2604


Yeahhh… Taff girl! :revolving_hearts:
18 days is awesome.
Every sober day is a gift.
Enjoy your diamond painting, I have to find out what that is :face_with_monocle::star_struck:


I’m calming down now, and my local meeting isn’t too far away now. I might check out the online ones soon but I’ve grown so close to the people in my home group so I know I’ll feel comfortable opening up to them and opening up and speaking in the meeting is really what I need today


They’re pretty cool! Very tedious and time consuming put it keeps my mind busy. It’s basically a paint by number but instead of paint it’s little diamonds that are sticky on the back and you stick them on to the correlating squares to create a picture ((:


Sounds cool… Thank you!
Enjoy your meeting :muscle:t2:
In Europe it’s bed time.
… Nighty and hopefully hearing from each other soon.


Zoom AA marathon meeting 24/ 7.

18 days is massive. Seriously. And you found a support thru your local AA, huge. Very well done. I would definitely try to look into online meetings so you have other options. I joined The Luckiest Club. Still meet with my local AA peeps as well. You deserve a big pat on the back.


I read that as treat yourself with something to eat, sprouts. I thought jees juli is hardcore health nut.

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