We start again

Hi all.

Why do we kid ourselves on that we can have a drink like a normal person. I drink too much. I don’t want to drink anymore. Why then is it so difficult to stop permanently.

My biggest problem is after a few weeks I think I’m fine. Well I know I just go back to the same level of drink 2 bottles of wine most nights.

I need this to be my final decision. The mental torture is just as dangerous as the alcohol.

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It’s so hard because we’re addicted to it and it calls to us. The moment we feel better we kid ourselves into thinking it’s not actually a problem and drink again, then feel terrible about it. It’s an exhausting cycle. I guess, for me, the only way to change it is by doing something different. When that stupid voice try’s to bring me back to the dark side I tell it to shut the f*ck up and try to play the tape to the end. I run out the whole scenario in my head and it always ends up with me feeling like a bag a crap and hating myself with so much regret. The longest I’ve been sober, bar pregnancy’s, is just over 3 months. I’ve never received my 4 month chip and I’m really working for that and more. Working on day 6 right now and feeling good!

Stick to your goals and don’t try to convince yourself out of them. If you really want something you will give it your all, 100% of effort, because, if you aren’t giving it :100: then you’ll let the voice convince you every time.

Keep it up, you got this!


Well said !!

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Love it.

I will read that for inspiration in times of doubt.

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Maybe ameeting might help plenty of people there got the same problem and can give you their experience on the guy in your head telling you its ok to drink again wish you well


There is a meeting I attend on occasion. Their custom at the end is to announce and celebrate any number of days sober. The idea is that we should hold that sobriety date more dear to us than any other and do not trade it in. Whatever motivation works to not drink just today, to add today and today and today to the pile of days behind us.

If you ain’t moving forward, you’re backsliding. And for us, that can kill us. Literally, and quickly.


I like the “just today” I am going to use that and try to get myself a collection of “today’s”…so far I have 2 (days sober)… I struggle at the 6 o’clock drink call. Anyone have a passage or mantra they have found helpful? Maybe I should write my 6 o’clock self a letter from the 7am me…when I am feeling worthless and weak…


Find a 6:00 meeting, you’ll get sobriety and fellowship in a single package!


Day 1 complete. Day 2 let’s be having you. I know you eventually stop counting in days. But I’ll be on for at least 2 weeks to keep my daily progress updates. Just for my own motivation and also hopefully help others.

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Day 3. Got to love a day off.

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Keep on keeping on, as we said in the 70’s! 72 hours is an important mark to cross over and you’ve done it.

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Day 4. An 11 hour shift. That should keep me busy. Have a great day people. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

I can tell you that I had another time I quit drinking for 4 years after I got my first dwi I attended meetings and everything and I had started dating this girl, she asked if we should drink and me being a fool I said yes because I loved her and wanted to make her happy. Big mistake. It ended up running our relationship. This last time I got an dwi in August 2016 and went to treatment and got alot of coping skills I was never shown as a kid and this last Sunday i had my 2 years sober and I know Ill never be ok drinking ever again my life becomes chaos and unmanageable. I relive my last day I drank in my head when I get a craving and I tell myself oh hellllll nooooo never going there again. It’s great waking up feeling great in the morning. Always being in the right state of mind to deal with life’s curveballs it throws at us all. Being to work on time having perfect attendance because I was drinking the night before. Having the respect of other people because I’m doing something that alot of people can’t do. It takes alot of strength and courage and self discipline to be sober it’s honestly taking the hard road. It’s easy to say F it and drink but it takes a legend to not pickup that first drink in my opinion. I believe in you. I believe in every single person on here and I hope to inspire someday. But for now I’m just me trying to help others. I hope that this helps in some way.


Helps to write down the negative feelings and consequences and read over them when you feel the urge. Immerse yourself in the scenarios, kind of meditate in the suckiness of drinking. Then drink a sparkling water with ice, eat a dark chocolate and move on, lol!


Day 6. Hitting the gym on a Sunday morning. Now that’s what I call rock n roll. :laughing:

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On day 10 and half a stone lighter. Life is good.

Seriously. Why do we allow ourselves to be manipulated by alcohol?

That’s a rhetorical question.

Conquering the mind is the ultimate achievement.


Well I’ve got a fortnight under my belt. Had a real temptation moment today. That feeling of. It will be OK just tonight.

Thankfully I kicked him into touch.

But the brain is the main thing we need to conquer.

Hope everyone is doing well