Weaning off meds with dr

Ok so I take 900mg of gabapentin a day

It kills all my be4 work jitters and givese motivation to get through the day

Me and my Dr just decided together I can try and get wheend off.

I take it for anxiety and irritation

If I start I’ll take 600mg of gabapentin a day till the next decrease

I’m going to try and start it starting tomorrow

My wife said she had a hard time wheening off this med but she did do it

So that’s my plan


This will be my second attempt at decreasing this med


Hi Matt
Whats the plan to deal with the jitters once you’re weaned off the meds?

Its good to have a plan in place or we can risk falling back into old patterns and relapsing.

Hope all is well with the family.


Thats a good question Ms little

I have other meds that can help

Right now I’m not sure what a good plan would be besides just looking at my family going ok let’s go

Today is the first day
I’m trying not to think about it too much
I feel fine so far. :slight_smile: so that’s good atleast

When I have had to taper a med, I bring one with me as a back up plan incase the anxiety starts to really spiral from the decrease. Sometimes just knowing you have it if you need it helps. I’d usually not even end up taking in… just a thought