Week one - completed it mate

One week sober today, hurrah. Today was the first time I reeeaaally wanted wine after work and had to actively avoid the booze aisle in the supermarket. But I guess wanting it and having it is the difference. On we go.

I like myself a lot more than I did a week ago.


Congratulations!! :tada: You’re doing great! Keep checking in!! :clap:t2:

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Keep up the good work, wine at the grocery store was hard for me as well

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Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap:

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1 Week is Terrific.
200w (1)

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Congratulations on week one :boom::raised_hands:t2: keep moving forward one step at a time! :pray:t2::heart:

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Good stuff keep us posted on your journey wish you well

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Congratulations of your one week! :clap:t3:

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I give you Brad and a happy dance because your working it :ok_hand::people_hugging: congratulations, here’s to day eight odaat image

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Way to go with your 1 week and overcoming that want! Keep at it friend :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::confetti_ball:

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I avoided the aisle for months! Wanting it and buying it are totally different. We cannot control our thoughts, we can control our actions. Well done :+1:.

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Congratulations! The early milestones are a big deal and definitely worth celebrating. :partying_face:

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