Week one pretty much under my belt

Today is last day for the first week at my new job. I have been doing well. Work is good. Almost done paying off my overdue payments. My gf and I feel good about every step we have taken forward. I have energy to do things around the house and I have been getting up earlier then I actually need to. It’s 36 days sober and I can’t believe I never did this before.


Week one of work done. I feel so great to have a job. things are getting better in general. My life coming back together. So greatful for the necessary steps I have taken

A grateful heart will not drink!


Good for you, & thanks for sharing. Part of my reason for wanting to get sober is a really good job opportunity il be starting Tuesday, and your post is really encouraging

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Great job! Sober a week and a new job, that is wonderful!

@Muffin1226 I have been sober for 36 days. The week was new job.

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