Hey fellow group members i made it thru my birthday sober thats the first time in many years so im happy with my achievements so far i feel great i quit drinking 3 mo ago and had 2 lapses single episode resets but i feel like im on the corrwct path. I signed up with a gym today i intend on getting fit again i was in great shape before i started drinking about 5 yrs ago. I put on about 75lbs over 5yrs will this come off as im sure its alcohol weight my eating is the same as always ive lost about 8lbs in the past 3 mo has anyone else lost weight or went back to their original weight. Also i want to say thank you for this amazing community for being a positive in my life. I was also able to talk my gf into quitting as well she is attending meetings im not due to my schedule but i dont have any urge to drink. I cut ties with my friends who constantly drink as well.
Happy belated birthday. Going through these kind of events sober is a great achievement.
Have a good start in the gym
Today I’m 170lbs and was around 185 when I quit drinking 41 days ago. From what I understand not only does alcohol make us retain fluids but it prevents us from processing fat normally. I’m eating more sober than I did drunk and almost back to my normal weight.
So yes it’s possible. Everyone’s different though but hopefully you’ll get back where you want to be. Congrats on being on the sober path.
Yes I’m hoping I’ve put on a one and half stone from drinking, day 5 for me but am looking forward to the physical and mental changes, back to gym Tommorro
I don’t know how much you were drinking, but I was taking in about an extra 2,000 empty calories a day just in beer alone, that’s not counting all the added liquor on the weekends. So just with caloric deficit and somewhat watching what I eat, I dropped about 15 lbs pretty quick, like within the first month. If you just watch what you eat and exercise a little bit, you’ll notice a change in your weight but way more importantly how you feel.
Hey James! Yes, I lost a lot of junk weight after I quit drinking, but not until around the 4 month mark. I was ready to focus on cutting back on my ice cream at night, but not until 4 months. I also started a walking routine with one of my good friends when I got sober. Walked around 15-20 miles a week. I so enjoy it. Remember to take it easy. Do not let it stress you. Your body will adjust.
Yes definitely good info, I do belive if you are feeling good mentally all will fall into place
I eat more than ever and since I stopped drinking I’ve went from 150 to 112 in less than 6 months. I can’t believe how bloated up I was before. And getting sober is the only change I’ve made diet wise.
Awesome to hear about the progress you are making, cutting ties with your drinking buddies and the gym sound like really positive steps in the right direction. I know for me, quitting booze helped me keep a regular routine at the gym and I had way less drunk or hung over binges on unhealthy food. I’m healthier when I’m sober.
All the best James, keep checking in here. Your doing great.
I actually gained weight but that’s because I was undereating while I was drinking. Good job on getting here and good luck to you!
This is an amazing change!
I wish id lost weight, unfortunately ive put weight on because in the early days whenever i craved the booze i ate cheesecake