Weight loss.....anyone lose kgs after ditching wine?

Not my main goal…but pretty up there!! Wondering if anyone had success when they gave up the booze early on :thinking: I know that I’ll be eating better and exercising more when I start feeling better…and surely not consuming the mega empty calories will help!


I haven’t seen any great losses yet but I just finished reading a great book called “The Sober Diaries” and in it the author covers this topic. Apparently at first our bodies, hormones and metabolisms are out of whack so we may not see the kinds of losses we are hoping for right away. Over time, as our bodies adjust, we eat better and get moving I am positive there will be changes in the right direction :blush:.


When I first addressed my drinking in 2012, I lost 60 lbs in 6 months (kept it off since!). Granted I had also started eating much better as well as hitting the gym every day, but I’m sure cutting out thousands of garbage calories from the booze played a big part in it.

Drinking leaves you bloated and it also screws with your metabolism.


Yes! That is on my ‘must read’ list :+1:t3::+1:t3:


Well when I started my journey I was 236 pounds I’m down to 187 now. I started exerciseing in my addiction and lost some of it. But In this 3 months being sober I’ve lost the rest


So does! I feel like a puffer fish :fish::rofl:

That’s amazing!! You must feel so good :blush:

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It’s getting better for sure :). Quiting was definitely well worth it.

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I’ve lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks so far. I haven’t changed anything else other than cutting booze :star2:


That’s amazing! You must feel so good :blush:

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I do! It was mostly at the very beginning. It’s slowed down. But I still feel so much better :blush:


I lost about 10lbs in a month just quitting drinking and I relapsed for about a month during quarantine and put 5lbs back on so obviously that is the problem. If you get more active, which you probably will once you even out, theres no doubt you’ll lose those extra lbs.


Not one ounce!!! :frowning: (I keep hoping it will magically come off but no such luck yet…maybe I’m just too old)


I haven’t had a drink since November 17th and I’ve lost about 27 pounds! I took up yoga and weightlifting to help with anxiety and boredom (especially during quarantine). Exercise and sobriety has really made a huge impact on my mental and physical health. I sleep like a baby and my anxiety is much less.


With in about 7 days i started noticing my “wine belly” go down, but as we are all indivuduals result time frame would vary


Stoped drinking 5 months ago, some healthy food, and training 1h and half every day, lost 25kg.

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I gained weight at first but after a month or two it came back off. I’ve known a few other people to gain weight first, but your body is going through a big change in the beginning.


I gained 5 pounds not drinking the past few months. I ate more sugary stuff like ice cream, especially in the first month. In the past I’ve given up on not drinking after a few days, because of sugar cravings and fear of weight gain. But I know I’m healthier without alcohol even if I’m a few pounds heavier (still low BMI). I keep reminding myself not to let disordered eating and body image issues get in the way of this goal. It’s getting easier to cut back sugar now I’ve had longer not drinking.


I’ve lost about 15 pounds since quitting alcohol, but I’m hoping to lose a bit more now that I’m feeling better and able to be more active.