Weight loss with alcohol

Is it true that if u completely stop drinking that you ll see a difference in weight loss? Has anyone experienced this?

i’ve started to loose weight but its not strictly from not drinking… i’ve been doing more yoga and snacking a lot less / eating more clean. :muscle:


You can most certainly see a weight loss as there’ll be a reduction in calories no matter what you drink (some beverages have more than others). However if weight loss is your goal, be sure not to replace booze with pop/juice/high calorie beverages, and don’t “eat to fill the void”. Fuel body with lots of nutrient-dense whole foods, water to flush us out, sparkling water etc.


Alcohol is empty calories, if you remove it it’ll definitely improve your odds of weightloss.

Weight loss isn’t always just calories in, calories out but for the normal person without hormone issues it typically is.

I lost weight while drinking, I lost more doing the same diet and not drinking.


When I quit drinking 4 months ago, within a month I had lost 15 lbs!


I have to say my weight is maintaining about the same but I’m eating a lot more so I guess it’s good I’m not gaining :joy:

I replaced the alcohol for sugar riche food, at least in the beginning of my sobriaty. So no weight loss for me. But I do not have overweight, so I’m fine with that :wink:


I did have a remarkable overweight. Not only did i drink, but ate whatever and didnt exercise. So after 9 months ive lost 17 kilos and am couple of kilos away from my so called normal weight. After quitting i ate a lot of sugary and greasy things to avoid cravings and im glad i did it. In the beginning the only important thing is not to drink or use, so i wouldnt hesitate about weight loss. That is a smaller problem. Then when i didnt have cravings anymore i started to go to gym among long walks and quit sugar and wheat. But have to emphasise that anyone with a slightest risk of eating disorder should be extra careful.


I was gaining significant weight from drinking quite a lot and eating normally along with it. Now I’m slowly losing some weight again, but I am working for it by exercising.

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Yes, you can lose weight by stopping the intake of the calories and sugar. It’s not just the drinking, it’s the eating that goes with drinking. If you stop the drinking, the overeating should stop too.

Maybe, maybe not.

I’m about 30 to 50 pounds overweight and I’m middle aged. I’ve gained most of my weight in the past 10 years, coincidentally when my drinking started to get heavy.

Alcoholic drinks have a lot of calories and I rarely ate if I was drinking. So I was really only eating one meal a day (lunch) and drinking my other meals. I gained weight under these conditions.

When I quit, I am now eating 2 to 3 meals a day, so I am still getting the same amount of calories.

If I don’t change the level of activity, I wont lose weight. If I add exercise, I will.

Does cutting alcohol alone make me lose weight? No, it does not.

Does diet and exercise help me lose weight? Absolutely.


I was a heavy lager drinker, 360 cals in one pint, and I was drinking 12 pints per day, I’ve noticed a loss in weight within a couple of weeks! Thousands of false calories have been cut out and drink nothing but water

I quit drinking 4 months ago and am down 17lbs. I wasn’t overweight but I was definitely the heaviest ive ever been and always so puffy! I feel the difference in my body, my eczema hardly flares up and I have noticed many other positive changes. It’s crazy! I didn’t think I’d lose the weight but my body just shed it.

I quit drinking in February. Was 195lbs. Checked weight and I’m 179lb. Combo of no alcohol and more active.

When I stopped drinking in 2014 I went from 209lbs to 155 in about a year. But I started eating healthier. The weight fell off with just a few changes to what I ate and no alcohol. Most alcohol is empty calories and goes straight to your gut (mine did). It’s easier to lose weight when you quit drinking but your still gonna have to put in a little work.

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I didn’t lose any weight.

Don’t worry about weight loss, it will come off over time without all that poison in your system. Fosus on sobriety 1st, eat whatever yoy want especially in the early days of sobriety

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Simple formula. If calories taken in are less than calories used a person will lose weight. It then works the other way for gaining weight.

For me I lost weight at first. I then started eating everything in sight (carbs carbs carbs) and gained weight. I have since started watching what I eat and I am almost back down to what I want to be. 5lbs left.