Weight loss

When I stopped drinking, I was at 205, with minimal activity. Currently fluctuating between 188-192. Meal prep weekly, heavy lifting 3-4x a week, cardio, track my calories and macros, etc.

The pounds will come off when you quit, but proper diet and some form of exercise will definitely help.

Sure. I heard about it on NPR Radio. It’s called Noom. I think u go to noom.com or just google it. It does cost money though. It’s not a free app. But u get 2 weeks free trial. Then I think u can pick your payment plan. I like it so far. You get a coach. You also get a group to chat with after a couple of weeks. And it’s so easy to log your food and calories and exercise and weight all right on your phone. I do wish my group and my coach were more of a support group like on here. You know we give each other support and praise and help when we think of using. But it seems like the group is full of ideas and other things, sharing like recipes and knowledge which is nice. I just turned sixty and fat drunk and hungover is not the way to finish off my life after 45 years of solid drinking. I’m sticking with both and I’m feeling great!!!

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Thanks appreciate that. No new clothes yet. But what I’m wearing is fitting better. It’s nice not having to suck it all in and hold your breath to button your jeans. I think I’ve reached a plateau but I’m not stopping til my goal weight of 200. Twenty pounds to go. Being sober sure helps. 32 days, but who’s counting :joy: Buying new shorts and jeans could be fun.

So many great benefits when we sober the frick up???:crazy_face:. I’m like this honey crisp apple actually taste great! ! Who’d a thought?

I hear there’s always a plateau with weight loss and getting through that plateau without giving up is the trick. I myself am looking forward to not having to do quite so many deep squats when I put on freshly washed jeans, trying to loosen them up. But congrats again, it must feel great. :muscle:

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You may have seen some of these already, but posting for anyone who this is helpful for…

… A collection of active health/ fitness/ weight loss threads :blush:

@ZerroWine-ing Hi Sober tribe,
I’m new to the group but wanted to respond to say, YES! you most definitely do drop the pounds with sobriety!

I am on day 15 and I have dropped a massive 8 pounds already!! I have never been as heavy in my life as the last year. The wine piled on the pounds and I went up from 9st to 10st 12!! :weary:

I am eating really healthily, cut out sugar and bread and pasta and the weight is melting off my tummy. I feel really excited and happy and know that I am never going to be a drinker ever again. Keep going, stay positive and keep focused on how amazing you are going to look in a short period of time. Sobriety brings back our beauty.

I have been sober for 3 years back :back: n 2018 and during the pandemic (like so many people) I slipped up and began drinking wine again. It became a slippery slope. I am now reignited and determined to never go back to that. I am looking forward to being the slender and brighter looking version of my old self. You too will be this :heart: