Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

So far I’m down 5 pounds, small win, but seeing the number on the scale go down felt good


193.6lbs. :thinking: if I remember correctly :grimacing:
Close enough.
I remember thinking I’m going in the right direction :arrow_down:


Down 1.2lbs this week. 35 more to go.

This weeks goal move more


195.4 up 1 pound from last week. I’ve been off for 5 days and have kinda fell into some cereal and Ice cream. My rough plan was to do a light bulk every 5th week (but not with cereal and ice cream :thinking:). Oh well.


I joined another Healthywager challenge. I have to lose 7.5lbs by june 30th to win. That would mean i have to lose slightly more than ive been losing per week. A little nervous i joined a bit ambitious challenge…we shall see…worth a try


Do you put the ice cream in the cereal? :crazy_face:
And if so which ice cream goes with which cereal. You might be able to market this. I’ve never heard of it. :blush:

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I have some really good ideas but don’t want to trigger anyone in a weight loss thread :zipper_mouth_face:


I asked Chatbot AI: give me a motivational plan to get me to enjoy exercise and lose weight…

This was the response:

Great to hear that you’re interested in exercising and losing weight! Here’s a motivational plan that can help you get started:

  1. Set realistic goals: Start by setting achievable goals for yourself. Don’t aim for a drastic weight loss or a rigorous workout routine right away. Instead, set small goals such as walking for 30 minutes a day or doing a 15-minute home workout 3 times a week.

  2. Find an exercise you enjoy: It’s important to find an exercise that you enjoy doing. If you hate running, don’t force yourself to run every day. Instead, try cycling, swimming, dancing, or any other activity that you find fun. This will make exercising feel less like a chore and more like a fun activity.

  3. Track your progress: Keeping track of your progress can be a great way to stay motivated. Take measurements of your weight and body measurements and track them weekly or monthly. You can also use apps or fitness trackers to monitor your progress.

  4. Reward yourself: Set milestones and reward yourself when you achieve them. For example, if you’ve been consistently working out for a month, treat yourself to a massage or a new workout outfit.

  5. Get support: Exercise with a friend or join a fitness group. Having a supportive community can make a huge difference in staying motivated. You can also hire a personal trainer or work with a coach who can keep you accountable and provide guidance.

Remember, the most important thing is to enjoy the process and make exercise a part of your lifestyle. It’s not a temporary fix but a lifelong journey towards a healthier you!


Soooo trying to relax, playing a game on my phone. Well my hand was getting numb so i shake it…my engagement and wedding ring go flying across the room. I proceed to search and search because i didnt see where they went. Turned up the living room and found em 10min later. Yay weightloss lol


I’m glad you found it. I can definitely relate. Lost mine in the garage. :grimacing:. Found it on trash day as I was rolling out the dumpster a week later :grimacing: I was wearing it on my middle finger for awhile in the winter. I think I read fingers are skinnier in the winter or some shit. I also read wait until you’re done loosing weight before resizing it.
Yay weight lose!!
Watch out for soaping fingers in strange bathrooms :scream::joy:


Oh thats scary. Im glad you found it! Of course i freak out and look for 5min panicking. Call my mom. Shes asleep. Call my husband and hes all well thats why we have insurance :roll_eyes: then i find it with him on the phone and chuckle


Maintaining, but just a little bit less.
Perfect :+1:


I will join if I may? Time to really sort my weight out. I probably have a couple of stone to lose, technically only about 10lbs to get to ‘healthy weight’ but I have quite a small frame so really need to go for more I think. I eat quite well but all the empty alcohol calories and the snacking when drinking has wiped out all of the good I do during the day. I am hoping that just simply cutting out the alcohol will make a huge difference


Welcome to the thread @JennyH


Down 1lb this week…slow and steady

Goal this week is to get moving


194.6 this week. My nutrition tracking was an absolute disaster for the past few days but that’s okay, life gets busy and adaption is required. Down 1 pound after a weekend off isn’t bad, I didn’t hit protein targets a couple of those days.


Ughhhh checking in on weighin day. I felt i had done well with my eating and exercise but lo and behold i lost ZERO weight this week. I guess its positive it didnt go up but damn do i feel discouraged. :frowning:

I will workout atleast 4x this week. Walk the dog before it gets too hot. And keep an eye on portion control.

I still need to lose 4 lbs to get out of the obese category…i hope this stagnation doesnt stick around


Forgot to weigh in Saturday.
Sunday 193.0 lbs.


That’s a shame. You may find you lose extra next week. At certain times of the month I definitely retain. Don’t lose hope and keep going. Hopefully you will be rewarded next week.


Proud of you :purple_heart: