Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

I know its hard not to feel discouraged when you are doing everything right and the progress stops showing on the scale.
A reminder that muscle weighs more so you may be losing inches and gaining muscle.
Keep doing what you are doing. You are gaining a healthy routine and the efforts will show.
Also - our bodies adapt quickly to famililar movement so its a good idea to switch up excercises - “muscle confusion” to avoid a plateau


195.6. Wrong way, ooops. Tracking was horrible all week, workouts were bad, lots of stressors. This week will be better.


I have been too scared to weigh myself after my holiday. When I was younger I would lose weight on holiday, less mindless snacking and moving more. Not sure that happens now I have hit middle age and going to try a weigh in later in the week.

The good news is I have upped my walking after managing it on holiday. Just hoping that is sustainable now real life has kicked in. I always have to be mindful of my chronic fatigue and not push it too much.


Gained 0.5lbs this week. I could have done better with diet and exercise :frowning: just a small setback to remind me of my goal


Today I am also starting to try to be fit. I cant mention my weight :upside_down_face: I am ashamed. My God its too much lol


I didn’t weight myself in weeks :face_with_peeking_eye: I know that’s not helpful hehe, but my belly size is back down to 91 cm :clap::clap::clap: that’s a big win for me :grin:
Today I’ll try to do a kettlebell workout again BUT if I feel the slightest pain I stop. Not like the last time :weary:


Down 5 more pounds from 175 to 170, Maintaining on my new healthier way of eating. Fiber one for breakfast, then a fruit salad for lunch…


Weighing in at 288.8 today, down 7-8lbs since last Monday!


Today was my weekly weigh in at 221.2lb. Got this little beauty of a notification today too! I am down 50lb from my heaviest. It took a loooong time to get here tho bcuz i struggled alot with binge eating (its not nearly as bad now). But hopefully, since I seem to have a habit formed now for the gym, the progress will continue!


No weigh in this Monday because I’m camping, I garuntee you it wouldn’t be good… oh well, we’ll see what the damage is after 6 more nights of camping.


1 month, 20lbs down, feeling pretty good about it


I’d love to join this thread. Like a few of you the drinking and snacking and hangovers put significant weight on my body. My starting weight on Saturday was 141.7 lbs (divide by 2.2 for kgs). And who said Americans cant understand the metric system :blush:
My goal is to get to 115 lbs (lose 32 lbs). I would like to get to that weight by next May.


Down 14lbs since the beginning of the month, switched to carnivore a few days ago and I feel pretty friggin good.


Frick :scream:
198.4 lbs :scream:
That’s what happens in Cali and 2 weeks off, eating what I like. Back to work.


Way to work it @jjcarson92


Weekly checkin. Down 1.5lbs. 3.6lbs until im not considered obese. Going in the right direction thank god. 34lbs til goal weight.


Checking in at 82kg this morning which is way up again since having to restart my medication. The doctor says the medication itself doesn’t cause weight gain but it does increase appetite. I’m going to have just miso soup for lunch for a while until I’m back on track.


I’m so frustrated. I gained three lbs

All i did was eat salad and do yard work

This isn’t easy


I feel your frustration…i am going through same due to some inflammation issues.
Doing yard work in the heat could cause weight gain at first if you dudnt get enough water.
Dont get discouraged, keep getting your healthy nutrition and staying active - youll see results.


Crippling stomach pain last week made me think drinking coffee was out the door! Oh no. By eliminating ‘Fiber One’ cereal from my morning routine, I got it to subside and my stomach returned to normal. Problem was finding a replacement. ‘All Bran’ and ‘Grape Nuts’ were gross :nauseated_face: so I tried oatmeal. At first with research, ‘Steel Cut’ are healthier. So I got a bag not knowing they take a half hour to cook :flushed: ‘Steel Cut’ were ok, and got me on board though :bowl_with_spoon: I bought a bag of ‘Quick Oats’ not as nutritious, but with the time I save it doesn’t matter, I get full, and its healthy enough :blush: having an extra coffee :coffee: in the mornings now to celebrate, I CAN NOT GO NO COFFEE!!!

I use honey and cinnamon :yum: for flavor!

So I had plateaued at 170 lbs. with my ‘Fiber One’ routine. I have managed to drop down 2 more lbs by switching to oatmeal! I guess ‘Fiber One’ was causing that plateau. 168 today!

Anyway, staying with my fruit salad for lunch. Still amazingly delicious, I get excited to sit down and eat these!