Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Thanks for the encouragement @JazzyS! Iā€™m going on 60 yo, so loose skin is HERE! :grin: But toning IS possible :pray:


The count down ends this month. Maybe I loose the final 2 kg. We will see. At the moment Iā€™m down to 85.7 kg, from 107 kg at the beginning of the year.


Thats incredible :clap:


Only lost 1lb this weigh in, disappointed with that but hey ho thats still 6lbs lost in total in 4 weeks


So I think fasting is fine for some people. I was getting angry at myself because my pregnancy weight would go away. I did lose weight but I couldnā€™t keep it up and gained it back (I donā€™t weigh myself anymore) it was too much of a eating/emotional rollercoaster. Now I am trying to love myself as much as I love my children. The love I always wanted, a healthy love for myself and body. Itā€™s difficult like most things that are good for you.


Thats healthy progress! @Starlight14 they suggest 1-2lbs per week for sustainable weightloss

Keep it up!


Thanks @Cjp, it feels like more i think thats why i was disappointed but your absolutely right so i will definately keep it up, thank you for the encouragement :blush::heart:


Saturday weigh in. Bout the same.
Love maintaining.
192.4 lbs


Sunday weighin time

Down 0.5lbs since last week. Not the progress i hoped for

So i crunched some more numbersā€¦

And im down 4.7lbs in the last month so keeping up with my avg 1lb per week in the bigger picture

Goal this week is to walk Boscoe more


Glad you didnt let this weeks weigh in get you down and instead saw the bigger picture. You are doung great!!! Have a wonderful Sunday :blush:


Another positive updateā€¦

I lost 6% of my body weight in a healthywage competition and may make $15


8.6 lbs off over 7 weeks
Going well! Prioritizing exercise, and my chocolate cravings have been satisfied by chocolate rice cakes! Yes, pretty much like cardboard, but they take a while to eat so usually I get distracted enough :rofl:
I have been weighing myself almost daily - I know I shouldnā€™t get hung up on that, but I thought it would make me accountable. Very discouraging when the numbers swing up/down 2-3 pounds a day!
Take care all!


Great progress! @FeelingBetter

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Hmm, 171lb this morning which is heading back in the upward direction. My period is a couple of weeks late (perimenopausal)
Iā€™m going to have a ā€œfastā€ day today. Breakfast was kefir with pomegranate and lunch will be miso soup and Iā€™ll make sure to drink plenty water today too.


168lb this morning. I didnā€™t fast yesterday as I made a blood donation and obviously I didnā€™t want to feel ill.


So checking back in. At 9 months alcohol free I scheduled a physical exam, blood work, etc. My blood work came back and I have high lipids at 140, it should be 100 or lower. Even though I told the doctor I was almost 300 days sober, his advice was to quit drinkingā€¦ :man_facepalming:

I asked the assistant if its from a fatty diet, she said yes. So with a little research its from dairy and red meat :yum: which is kind of my favoriteā€¦ sigh So my goal is to get down to normal range in 4 months. I cut out hamburger and ranch dressing :crazy_face: no more saldads loaded with ranch for lunch. I eat hamburger like 3 nights a week, so in place we are using turkey burger. I refuse to cut out steak night or drinking milk!!!

I start my day with a bowl of Fiber One (fiber is good to lower lipids) and raspberries, then my coffee. Then I fast (fastings supposed to be good too) for 9 hours. When I get home from work I eat fruit, like 4 pieces, apples oranges and bananas, and some pecans (more fiber). Then I have my normal dinner w/o burger or ranch. Iā€™m hoping this does the trick to get my lipids down.

So far Ive lost 5 more lbs down to 175. When I quit drinking I lost 20 lbs from 200 to 180 almost immediately and plateaued, so Iā€™m happy to see a few more lbs drop!!! :smiling_face:


For fun I got on the scale yesterday while on vacation.
90.4 kg
Iā€™m so happy I donā€™t know what that is. :crazy_face:
I got a week before my next weigh in. I canā€™t eat another thing here. Well until my cookies with my coffee in the morning :coffee: :cookie:


Heyā€¦ What are you doing weighing yourself on vaca? :joy:

I do hope you enjoyed those cookies :cookie:


166lb this morning. Back on track. I finally started my cycle 20 days late :joy:


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