Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Dont give up dont be hard on yourself take your time see whats best for you and your journey but dont ever give up die trying die winning dont ever give up !! lets chip away at every single pound every pound is a victory lets get it !!!


Hey let me know how it goes im also thinking of trying it out we got this :facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3: nothing can stop us !!!


Honestly I have been a bit off track lately, really since I started working back in the office instead of home. I work 10 hour days in a manufacturing facility and generally do not have much energy after work. I need to get a rythm back.


I am trying the free trial too. It’s good!


Hey Vaariesga you got thiss ! Crawl before you walk if you have to start off with just a brisk walk a light jog or even jumping jacks get your body use to it slowly but surely youll see how much better you will feel !! Goodluck


I am working on my weight too… i use myfitnesspal and nutrisystem for now to manage my calories. Trying for atleast 30 minutes of activity a day as well or atleast 10k steps with fitbit… its so easy to gain the weight, but taking it off is a struggle :weary:


Drinking lots and lots of water. Sparkling or still. Whatever. is also very helpful. Using smaller plates too. And the fast food cheeseburger aren’t all the bad or high in calorie. It’s those dang fries. Those fries are bad news.
Good luck y’all.


@Apes2020 I have seen lots of adverts for this… please keep us posted on how it goes as I’m interested to see how you get on with it. I started a Herbalife protein shake diet and exercise plan thingy on Monday. My friend is a personal trainer and needed a guinea pig to try it out. Of course I bit her hand off! (I literally will eat anything! :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl::rofl:) I had a sneaky look on the scales earlier and I’m down 3 pounds!! She has me on zoom at 7.45 4 mornings a week flopping around for half an hour and then a one hour PT session once a month. I think this will work and be sustainable as I don’t really do breakfast so the shakes are ideal. :crossed_fingers: sending everyone luck on your own weight loss journey, love you all!! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


so hard to lose the weight, so easy to put it on i find :upside_down_face:


I’m in! :+1::two_hearts:


Me too! :+1::partying_face:


Yes iam all in lets do it :facepunch:t3:

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I too use MFP and Fitbit. I’ve gained at least 20 lbs since March, and I was already 15-20 lbs overweight. This last gain is mostly due to alcohol consumption. I eat much better when I’m not drinking.

I’d love to participate in check-ins. Great idea, @Apes2020. Also curious to hear about noom. My goodness, they advertise everywhere.


I’m in too! I’ve been to the gym intermittently the last few weeks but I need to get on a regular schedule.


We’re in the same boat. I could stand to lose about 20.


I have 30 to lose, but I’m determined to do it the right way. We can and we will!


Made some homemade spaghetti with hearty Sauce and Jalapeños for a kick ! ( love spicy) im down 4 pounds in 3 days i know the beggining weight will melt off but then you hit what they call a plateu is when you have to start pushing !! GOODLUCK everyone !!! 69 pounds to go


Sorry to butt in again but in case you hadn’t seen my post about Noom. Before. I lost 45 pounds a few months ago and now I’m maintaining. You get a personal on line coach to work with and set realistic goals. You get a group like us here at TS. Easy to log food and weigh chart all on your phone app. And recipes. I found it great! Can’t say enough good things about it. I think learning that there are no bad foods and logging everything you eat and staying under you calorie count is the best way to go. I logged everything. Even when I ate 5 of wifeys frys. Log all your food be accountable for what you eat. And you get daily tips and readings and info and exercise suggestions. Your calorie count will adjust to how much exercise you do each day. It’s set up that way. Along with your step counter. So if I work out for an hour I log it and I can see the extra calories I get to eat. Again sorry to butt in. I have tried over and over again to loose weight with different diets weight watchers etc. and nothing stuck.
Good luck y’all.
Disclaimer: I get no kick back from this. I’m not at all affiliated with Noom. Just happy the wife says “your too skinny!”


Checking in :white_check_mark: down 4.8 pounds since the beginning of the month. I’ll weigh in on Sundays. Stayed just under 1200 cals today and did 40 mins of exercise. Loading up on veggies fills me up. When I started out I was trying to make it happen overnight which is simply a set up for disaster. I’ve changed my mindset… slow and steady wins the race! :turtle:


Congratulations thats amazing !!! 4.8 pounds your killing it keep going strong yes i can relate its a change of mentality slow amd steady wins the race !!!