Did anyone else get acne after they quit drinking? I am on my third day of not drinking and was wondering if anyone else has this kind of phase when they first stopped drinking?
Yes! My skin was a nightmare that first week. Now I am a month in and it is glowing.
Your body is adjusting to not having chemicals in it that it’s used to.
Everything is gonna be out of sorts for a few weeks, more anxiety, irritability, your guts are gonna churn, your hunger and thirst will either crank up or be nonexistent.
Sleep will be weird, you name it, give it some time everything will balance out and you’ll feel way better than you ever did before, in the long run you’ll win
Happy your here
That’s interesting you ask because I’ve noticed a little bit of a change in my skin also… I thought it would look brighter after not drinking for almost a week but I’ve got a few more red spots.
It’s the toxins leaving your body
I recently saw another topic about acne. I found it by using the magnify at the top.
Thank you! I found the link I think that helped me understand it the most!
Edit: Fourth part is the acne bit