Well friend's Spring has sprung in my 🌎

I heard it happen just this evening when I stepped out on my upper deck to meditate… :ear: They’re back y’all!!! :astonished: Thank God!!! :raised_hands: I look so forward to hearing my little green friends sing me the song of their kind because I know warmer day’s are coming… :hugs: The warmer it gets the louder they sing… The better I feel… It rains, that doesn’t matter, they still sing!!! Loud, happy and proud… :green_heart: It’s also my sleep number along with some rain on a tin roof :cloud_with_lightning::frog::droplet: LOL!!! And yes, I take their word for it… That groundhog Phil, he knows what’s up too :100:, he just ain’t in my state… Gotta go by what I know… :joy:


And this is probably pushing the season but every time the :frog:’s holler this song starts playing in my head completely switching up my mediation but I’m ok :ok_hand: with it… :notes::dancer::notes: Happy Time’s… :joy: Husband ain’t got to ask me twice if I want to go night fishin… :poop::joy: I’m ready… :notes: I’ll tuck the kid’s in and foot race his @ss to the river on that like always and I’ll win this year since I won’t be drunk and tripping over my own :poop: this summer like I probably have for 25+ year’s… :ocean::running_man::dash::dash::dash::footprints::checkered_flag: I usually can’t hear :ear: that good, I don’t run much and I even almost drown before but by God :raised_hands: I’m gonna go fishin :fishing_pole_and_fish: every chance I get to in life… :fishing_pole_and_fish::100: LOL!!! :joy:



Love it! I love the night sounds of frogs and peepers too!
That song just gave me a flashback to better days… thanks sober sis! :blue_heart::blue_heart::pray::herb::herb::frog::frog::milky_way::milky_way::notes::notes:

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You’re welcome and thank you… :blush: It’s crazy to me how the thing’s in life that are so special don’t cost a dime and no fillers needed… I’ve worked hard my whole life just as many have… It really doesn’t take a whole lot to be happy, humble and blessed… :notes::frog::notes:

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