Well, I caved

it certainly can’t be any worse than it is now. I was never going to do all that bc I knew one day I would figure it all out on my own, never happened so now I have people I can either turn to for help or on the flip side people who need my help. Either way it’s not about me anymore. What time zone you in?

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Mountain time zone.

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Wtf is that :rofl::rofl::rofl:I’m not very well educated in geography. UK, USA, China :thinking:

USA, mountain time! Hahaha!

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I’ve only ever spoken once in a zoom meeting but I’ve done loads and loads of them just listening and they have helped me immensely. You’ve nothing to lose


I just got this app and really like it so far. Thanks for recommending it.


That’s understandable. And I think it’s important to feel that. Not as a way of punishing yourself, but to help you change your perspective on what alcohol really does to you. Can this be part of your ‘this is what happens when I drink’?

Did you ever read This Naked Mind or any of the other recovery book recommendations that are knocking about the forum? I found TNM also really helped with that perspective shift.


I have heard so much about it. I want to seeif it’s at the library.
That quote is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

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I am going to.do my first one this week

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I’ve been doing the same vicious cycle for around 5 years, I’m 35, and always blames everything or everyone else
I’ve tried doing it alone, pretending I can moderate and still managing to get into that dark place
I’m on day 3 again, but this time I’ve rung the doctors, getting some tests and going going meetings never done it before but I’m hoping this is the time it will work!
You can do it too, maybe just change something so your approaching it differently xx