Well I did it, I made it to 6 months

I feel like 6 months isn’t a big deal to those who don’t understand but after a 7 year long battle and not even being able to stay clean for a full day, 6 months is huge. I feel like I should be more proud of myself but as the months go on my family and friends have become less and less excited when I share with them new milestones. When I see 6 months I see hope and I can look back and think of how much I’ve changed and grown over these 6 months.

I could care less if my family/friends aren’t celebrating this milestone because I sure as hell am!


Congrats! 6 months is a huge success! You should be so proud!


Congratulations on 6 months that is huge!!! Just like you I remember when I couldn’t even get 6 hours sober lol so good for you, keep up the good work!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations!! We’re all celebrating with you because we know how f**king hard this is.


Congrats… this is huge! 6 months is amazing. I hope to be as strong as you as I move towards 6 months and beyond! Keep up the great work!


Congrats! 6 months is an amazing accomplishment!


Thank you! It is soooo effing hard :partying_face:


You already are as strong as I am if you’re working towards any goal of sobriety. You’ve got this!!!


Congratulations !!! :rainbow::sparkles::butterfly:

6 months is huge :balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon:

Congratulations to you! 6 months is a massive milestone. I hope you have a lovely day!! Great work lady :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::two_hearts:

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Big congratulations on your accomplishment.

3 days here from alcohol and im pretty proud of myself. I had quit for months before but kept it closeted from most people. And the people i did share it with didnt have addiction problems.

Congratulations!!! Its very inspiring

Now im part of a community and its feeling quite different. Haveing a group to relate to and conversate with helps my mind a lot.


1 day is incredible, 6 months is super awesome! Congratulations!!

Wow. That’s a huge accomplishment. Congratulations. You got this!

That’s awesome. It does get easier. Once your natural brain chemistry rids everything and restores, you’re going to feel amazing

6 months is AMAZING!! It IS a big deal, we know it!! Keep moving forward with your healthy life and spirit! You have so much to be grateful for. Happy for you!!! :heart: