Well I fucked up

Well guys I fucked Up. I got to 4 months and thought maybe I can just social drink now, maybe I can just drink on special occasions…NO! Here I am on the back of a hangover starting again. Only saving grace is I didn’t go back on the drugs just drink. I’ve been so stupid! Reset the app back to one day :-(. And I’m really struggling to get back in the frame of mind that got me sober. I really need some advice. Please.


OK, you fucked up, you know it. Try not to let the guilt or feelings of being ashamed get you down. It makes it worse in my experience. We’ve all been there, I struggled for years thinking I could control my drinking. People who don’t have a problem don’t need to worry about controlling their drinking.

Use THIS feeling as strength. Use this as day one. Write down somewhere exactly how shit you feel. Remember it as vividly as you can. Remember this pain. Now, in six months time when you’ve not had a drink and you think you can just “have a couple” come back to today and how you felt.


This is sound advise thank you.

This is sound advise thank you.

I honestly have spent pretty much my whole drinking life trying to control my drinking. I thought I could develop will power and that’s all I needed. Drinking is normalised in the media, to the point where you believe you’re just weak or a lightweight if you can’t say no and get blackout.

For people who have a problem, I know certainly for myself, I just can’t put myself into a normal drinkers shoes. I can’t imagine as hard as I try drinking say 5 drinks and not having this deep unshakable NEED to drink more until I’m blackout. Just drinking a few drinks and going to bed happy.

Listen to your inner monologue, if doing this shit is hurting you and your loved ones you need to do something about. Life is seriously beautiful sober.


Thanks for sharing. I hope someone reads this thread before they go try to drink socially. It took me a couple of socially drinking expirements as well. Never did figure out how so I just stopped altogether


There are a good number of people that don’t come back after they start drinking again. Then eventually die. You made it back and that is great! I did the same thing and after a couple unsuccessful attempts it stuck again with me. I now know that it isn’t my ex-wifes fault I drank. It was me.