Well that's a kick in the teeth

So after alot of mucking around at the hospital the last 2 days cos of extremely low white blood cells turn out I’ve got influenza A. Here the fucked part I was working out daily to keep my mind from wandering back to relapse now I can’t workout gonna be tough to stay clean but 32 days on now can’t throw that away


Life’s going to happen (while we’re busy making other plans right). And no, don’t throw away 32 days Darrell (big congrats!). Concentrate on getting better. Work on coming up with alternatives to working out. And know that going back to using is never a solution and never helped anyone, it only got them deeper in the dirt. Never again! Thanks for checking in, it’s one of the tools that work! All success friend.


Last thing an immune system fighting influenza needs is random chemicals. Eat well, sleep well, and let your body do its job. And congrats on your clean time!


Life is nothing more than an adventure of ups and downs. Treat this as nothing more than a lesson life is teaching you. There are other excellent ways to stay clean and sober besides working out. The universe has given you an opportunity to find those.


Painful lesson when all I tried to do is get clean

It is painful. And that’s ok :slightly_smiling_face:

Pain is a healthy part of healthy life. Pain is a choice: by accepting pain, constructive pain, we grow.

It sucks. I know.

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So here I am on the arse end of it I didn’t crack still clean and sober had a terrible day yesterday was one the worst in a while but kept telling myself aslong as I put my head done at night and wake on the morning I don’t have to use. coming to grips with the whole life on life’s terms is tough but has to be done. The worldinot gonna sit around and wait for me to be ready to deal with shit just gotta get out and get it done I guess cheers for the kind words guys and such a relief that I didn’t go back tontha place where the slightest thing go wrong and i run to my bong I’m not that guy anymore my wife and kids deserve better



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That’s how it feels