Welp, I’m finally reaching out for help

I don’t know when my drinking got so bad, but I know it’s been a long time. I have the worst hangover I think I’ve ever had. It didn’t seem too bad when I first woke up, but I guess I must have still had enough booze in my system then such that my day has gotten progressively worse. I was able to drink quite a bit of water earlier, and I’m trying to rehydrate, but nausea finally kicked in, so keeping anything down is more challenging (even though I haven’t really vomited much). Ugh. The shakes earlier were terrible, and I’m fully aware that the next few days are going to be bad, and I’m hoping to find some kind folks to turn to for support. I definitely have no desire to drink anything alcoholic right now, but the raging anxiety/depression over the next few days is gonna be rough.


“Well the first days are the hardest days” but if you can gut it out, there’s a reward waiting for you !!

Use distraction for negative thinking and urges, keep busy, and try to find some positive support like you’re asking for here. Wish you well !!,


Thank you for your message. I needed it.

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Hi @kmlrev welcome to ts :slightly_smiling_face:there’s plenty of kind folk here just keep talking to us especially if things get too much and as @bobslife says distraction and usefulness will help with the cravings.


Thank you. I’m just hoping to make it through the nausea at this point. It’s gonna be a looonnng night, I think.

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That’s when I decided to quit for real too, one of the worst hangovers ever. Woke up still drunk but so sick… sometimes I wonder if my sobriety date should technically be 1 day later.
Anyway, it took a lot of distraction (audiobooks, podcasts, tv, walks, puzzles) and lots to drink (coffee, tea, kombucha, soda, sparkling water, etc). I kept my mind busy and my thirst quenched.
I wish you the best. You can do it. One hour at a time. Then one day at a time.
Today I’m 109 days sober.


Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your story. I really appreciate it, since it’s been a long day and I’m feeling really alone right now.


Hang in there. Hopefully you can get some sleep and you’ll feel a bit better tomorrow.

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@kmlrev How are you doing?

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I’m good! Thank you for asking! How’re you doing?

It’s not my first time at the rodeo, so to speak, but hopefully it’s the last. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that bad. Ever. As much as I hate that I did that to myself, I’m coming out the other side with a sense of clarity and a renewed sense of focus on my goals, and there’s no room for drinking in that. Luckily it’s not often that I “crave” alcohol, but I do need better strategies for those times I do. I never want to feel that bad again.

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Thanks for checking in. I am doing quite well. Miraculous Things are happening as I am 5 months sober. For me AA Meetings are so beneficial. Talking Sober (here) is an invaluable tool. Early days I know are rough. Hang in there will see you around a lot I pray!

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Five months! That’s impressive! And inspirational. I don’t know why, but your reply just made me think to myself that I’m looking forward to the challenges ahead (because there will be challenges, for sure). I want to set milestones and reach them. In the meantime, I’m happy to be five days down and starting my sixth.

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