Welp messed up again

I’ve been there before, so many times that I finally realized that, when the hangover is your only motivation to quit, you will only be motivated when you’re hungover.

You gotta figure out what your fighting for, then do whatever it takes to get sober. It’s not easy, I know, but it’s worth it.


I really need to do it for my parents. I know it bothers them and they want me to stop drinking. Plus my dads sick and i need to stop hurting myself on purpose by drinking. Hes going through alot and i dont need to add any stress by me continously being an idiot. Plus i know ill feel good by not drinking. Just have to get to soberity without ruining my life. Which ive almost done a couple times and it costed alot finacially and was a burden on my parents. Cause when i got in trouble, they drove me to work. That was about 4 years ago when i got in trouble the second time.


Ah yes - that would be great if we could bottle it up and have it handy as a reminder. I do keep a list on hand (one in bathroom and one in car and one by my bed) that lists the reasons I am on this journey and the ways our addiction lies to us.

Day #2 and going strong my friend. You are here working on your recovery and that’s great. Keep at it! :muscle:


Tomorrow is yours


You know that is a good idea. Think im going to write up my own list and leave it in my car. Giving thats the one place ill always be before potentially driving to the store. I made plans saturday with my father. So, ill have another reason to not drink when im off work friday. I promised him wed go see a movie he wanted to see. I didnt do it this passed weekend cause i wanted to drink instead and that was before i told him id do it. Day two under the belt. Tomorrow will be day three.


Thank you.

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Just keep coming. I joke today that my last 24 hour coin was my 24th and it wasn’t a joke when i was going through it. I felt horrible every time picking up another 24 hour coin. This last time around was different for me. I finally admitted i couldn’t drink and suredered to a HP of my understanding. That was May 21st of 2020 mind you i started coming to the rooms in November of 2007. It took me 13 years to accept my way didn’t work. I didn’t change suddenly i had two more slips over the course of the next 18 months and was using other substances saying i was sober. Finally i went to a meeting black out drunk on September 2nd of 2021after that i changed everything i had to forget what i thought i knew about myself my HP and the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I can say just for today i have a great life beyond what I could of imagined. Is it perfect absolutely not its definitely better than the one i was living. I wakeup grateful clean and sober because of a HP and the programs of AA. If i can do it you can do it. Dont give up on yourself pit the bat down. Go to meetings find a sponsor who can walk you through the steps. If your struggling with faith dont be discouraged. My faith and my HP believe in you. You can do it!


Welcome. Glad you are here on our sober journey together.


Me too going on like 15 hours now. I am determined to stop for good. I feel so stupid for drinking again. :cry:


Welcome to the forum @JohnW.CT


Welcome to Ts how are you today bill :palm_up_hand:


Doing pretty good. Still feel bad from the other night. Using it for motivation to stay sober. Over time the bad feels will go away. It’s hard to not beat myself up about it though. Unfortunately this isn’t the first time I’ve messed up. :grimacing:


You and pretty much everybody else on here, mate, there are very few people who successfully stick to sobriety first time around.

Hope that gives a bit of encouragement!


As @Dirk said we’ve all messed up it’s about doing things differently from this point on . Look on the forum for tools of recovery threads and this can be the last day one you have . Sharing is a big part of my recovery if I don’t know what to do I share with others so the washing machine in my head stops spinning. we are all with you on this journey sending hugs and peace to you today :people_hugging: :heart:


How are you Techpro92 :palm_up_hand:


Im hitting my first week from alcohol. It was very hard.


Thanks man. But ive tried AA before and it didnt go well. I am definitely strugglijg. Been struggling for the last 13 years. I dont know if i can stop. I dont wanna do this till i die.

if AA s not for you choose another programme of recovery . You can’t bail at the first hurdle ….why was AA so bad ?either way you cannot do this alone or without communicating with other recovering Addicts. nothing good is going on in your own head :heart::people_hugging:


Yea, i know. I wanted to drink yesterday when i got home but i didnt. So, ive officially hit my first week. Which that i am proud of. This passed weekend id knew i have cravings. So, i talked to my mother and gave her my keys and told her not to give them back till i was leaving for work.


keep coming back and sharing before you pick up the first drink :heart:

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