Went to my frist meeting


Hey, good for you! There is hope and serenity in meetings, go get your fill!

Congratulations! Some say the most important and most difficult coin to get. Keep it going…one day at a time!
You are not alone.
I found it helpful to get to as many meetings as I can. I feel I needed to get out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to new people.
If I need want to stay sober, I need to surround myself with sober people as well. I have a network of people I can call, text, or reach out over the phone or in meetings when I am having an issue or hard time with something.
I have also asked my higher power to remove my desire to drink for today. Thus the concept of one day at a time. If you do not have a higher power or believe in God, that is okay. Just the idea of something greater than ourselves that can remove our desire is all we need.
Good luck and keep going to meetings. When we hear, “It gets better,” well I feel that it is us that gets better.
It’s a journey and today is a new beginning. Great job and good luck!


Welcome to the family! A step into a better life.


Imo that’s the most important chip or token in our recovery for AA or NA. All we ever have is 24hours. Congratulations on making your first meeting.


Awesome job on your first meeting! Keep coming back!


That is excellent!!

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Great stuff. Well done.

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Nice one! You have made a good choice!

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I hope that chip opens doors to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Congratulations!


Sorry, posted this in the wrong thread.

Keep going to those meetings.

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Awesome! I went to my first AA meeting also a few weeks ago and its the best move I have made in my sobriety!! It makes the journey sooo much easier than doing it alone…I like your 24 hr coin better though!


Yours is cool too. I don’t think I’ve seen one like that

Thank you all.