What am I doing?

Thats where we all started. Itd be a really nice thing if you can stop the cycle earlier than most of us, drink is a demon to many of us, some folk can drink socially, others, like me, csnt… if i drink, i get blitzed, no middle ground, if fkd up my life, hopefully you’ll deal with it whilst still so young. Good luvk buddy.

hi @corndog9 , I’m very sorry for your frightening experience last night I’ll tell you my definition of an alcoholic because I am one , but first I’ll start with this . I started losing my keys at 24 I also went to my previous address and demanded to know why they were in my house I live in England so thankfully I couldn’t of been shot but that was the first night I spent in a police station because I was incoherent and unable to fathom where I did live . What followed this was years of odd behaviour and waking up in strange peoples beds not knowing how I’d got there ,losing friends and having to make other ones because of my behaviour s . When I drank my mates I used to go out with they enjoyed drinking with me every week too and they did drink every week ,but they just drank a few and enjoyed there evening they remembered having a good time because they didn’t need to chuck the amount that I did down their throat they always got home with thier keys they never woke up with hours of no memory and none of them ever do now 20 years later . You talked about thinking that drinking in the morning and shaking maybe the definition of an alcoholic. I didn’t have any of those symptoms at 24 because I hadn’t had time to become progressively Ill enough to be unable to stop. im 43 now and I am that definition of an alcoholic ,I’m a week sober when I wake up tomorrow morning with the help of this forum and a program to help me but ….nine days ago I was at Tescos at 6 am needing to open a bottle of jack Daniel s and I had to drink it right outside before I could move from that car park and I had to crawl to to get thereto get it ,I was unable to hold a cup without shaking and I couldn’t hold the contents of my bladder or ass for three days it s taken me five days to eat, I’m through the worst of my withdrawal s now but …. I WAS you at 24 !!!you don’t become an alcoholic by that definition overnight but If you think you will stay as you are things won’t get worse and your too young to have a problem I’m living dope sick proof that it’s not true


Wiw you could be describing me. The weakness, shaking, no appetite, needing a drink of vodka (litre at least) to feel steady enough to walk 200m… waking up in strange places, in a city 200 moles from where i live once, not a clueme hiw i got there, and so many other story’s. Its no life. Its horribke im now 54 and amazed im alive

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It’s a horrific disease to have @DJUK but we can all recover odaat. I’m feeling so much better physically.I stepped foot inside a gym today and did a workout on equipment I don’t even know the name of for the first time in my life today, if you’d of told me that when I wrote that post I would of told you rocking horse shit was real . Miracle s can happen to us alcoholic s as long as we don’t take the first drink :wink::heart::pray:t2:

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