What am I doing?

Been a while since I last posted but need to get this off my chest. Last night I went drinking with coworkers and somehow ended up ubering to my old house I lived at and spent the night there. I don’t live there anymore and don’t remember much. The cops were called and somehow nothing else came of it, was trespassed but no charges or anything. If this isn’t a wake up call then I have no idea what is.

Even the police were saying I could have gotten shot doing some shit like that. Apparently the new tenants very rightfully pointed a gun at me but I don’t remember anything. Just thinking about the fact I could have died last night is insane and it would have been 100% my fault. No recollection of anything after leaving the bar.

I don’t know what to do, where do I start. I am only 24 and drink socially but I have made many many mistakes when drinking and haven’t changed much. Feel horrible about it and don’t know what to do. Basically just shocked and appalled at myself.


Start by coming here everyday. Read the stories on here, listen to the advice…then take a step forward. Find a program of recovery, make it central in your life.


You came here. It’s a start. We all need our peers. You’re among people who know. Listen. Share. Ask. Learn. Welcome back friend. You do need to change your life. Good news it’s a change for the better.


You are here and that is a great first start. Screenshot your post here where you’re able to easily see it and remind yourself what happened and what you don’t want to happen in the future. It will happen again in the future unless you make changes. There’s lots of support for you here checking in daily on the daily check-in thread is a good way to stay accountable. There is lots of support here and there are also links to online support. I think AA and others and of course there is AA in your community, possibly, I’m not sure, there may be, depending on where you are, of course.
If you go to AA go to with an open mind of this is a community of people who are going to help you get your goal. As far as getting into the fine details of everything just don’t think about that part think about the part that you’re not going to drink That’s the goal.
Best to get rid of any thing that you have in your house and make the commitment to yourself that you no longer want to drink.
You are not a social drinker.
I quit when I was in my 20s and I can not imagine my life drinking all these years at all. I never missed it. I never yearned for it. It was always adios Glad to see you’re gone.
Drinking changes behavior, it affects health, and it can get you in big trouble, like getting you shot because you don’t know what you’re doing.

Replacing the drinking behavior with other healthy behavior is good.

There is tons and tons and tons of information on the site of different things to do and there is support from people all over the world in all sorts of ways whether it’s doing puzzles doing art, working out, listening to music, reading books, cooking, whatever, the support is here for you, welcome back and let’s get this started in a new direction.


If that’s not a wake up call, what is?
Glad your here C,

Start, start today. Start today by not taking the first one. Get trough 24 houres sober and do it again tomorrow.

Your passes that station: drinking socially.
Drinking is killing you. It’s hard, but true and you know it. But the difficult thing is that you know that today. But within a few weeks when the turmoil about this events fades you will forget it because your addiction voice will tell you you are some how healed and can drink one.
So like @Alisa also mentioned screenshot this thread and put it somewhere to read!
Ore write your story down on a piece of paper with also your reasons why you want to be sober and stick it on your fridge!
Addiction is a progressive and deadly disease, survive it by doing different :facepunch:


Look into what alcoholism is and get honest with yourself.

I dont know if you are or arent, but you need to decide if you truly want to stop drinking.

Do you still think alcohol has anything to offer you?

Regardless we’ll always be here for you whether its today, tomorrow, 5, or 10 years from now.

Best of luck.


Thank you very much for your kind words.


I hear what you are saying. Honestly, I have thought in the past that I am just took young to really have an issue and it’s all in good fun.

I really don’t know the definition of an alcoholic, I always thought that if I was drinking in the morning and having shakes then that didn’t count.


What an Alcoholic Really Looks Like

Alcoholism is a scale, drinking in the morning and being physically dependent on alcohol is the late stages. If you can’t control your drinking and life when drinking becomes unmanageable, you might be on the scale.

Regardless, not drinking will remove all doubts and risks.


Your words really have got me thinking. I would always have classified myself a social drinker but clearly my actions don’t show that. I never understand why I would drink in excess and how other people don’t. Especially I college, the behavior was somewhat normalized but still I was the one abusing alcohol the most on drunk nights with friends. I can rarely recall a night when I packed it in earlier, could never say no to a drink.

Even in my youth I was typically the guy drinking the most and doing the stupidest things as a result. Why the hell do I drink so much and never know when to stop, I have no idea…


Thank you, I’ll have to take a deeper look. I was never the person to drink everyday but on a Friday night I could have 10-15 drinks if that was the plan.


Very good advice shared already. Don’t pick up the first drink. I wish I had quit drinking at 24 but happy that I’ve quit now at more than double that age. Wishing you the best.


Where should you start?Where you should start is a 2 part process that we in alcoholics anonymous have broken down into one step :Admitting we are powerless over alcohol(which is nothing more than once u start,whenever you start,you wont stop until you physically cant anymore how3ver long that takes)and that our lives have become unmanageable(meaning we are unable to perform normal day to day functions like remembering where we live at etc…)if that at this moment,which i completely uunderstand if it is,is a little much then the best place to start figuring it out is by physically going to a meeting(no zoom)look for the similarities in peoples stories that identify as alcoholic and if that doesnt work for you then the third thing you could always do is go to your nearest bar try some controlled drinking and tell us how that worked out for you the next morning;which we already know the answer to that because once a pickle never again a cucumber.Drinking always gets worste never better.

Lastly what has also helped me in taking that first step which you could use this forum to assist you with is write out your alcohol history when you started drinking,why you decided to take that first sip,who you were with,the feelings emotions thoughts logic behind it and how long it was before you cracked the next bottle open.How much did you drink?Was it more or less?What was the reason this time.And then write out the same thing for the last time you drank.
I’m just giving you several different options or places you could start in getting this figured out.

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Welcome C. Congrats on taking the first step.

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Think about this:
Why are you here?
You are here because you are worrying about your alcohol intake.
It even doesn’t matter if you name yourself an alcoholic ore problematic user.

It’s just a choice, do you want your current life ore a better one?

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Antisocial behavior refers to a cluster of problematic and disruptive aggressive and rule-breaking behaviors , the core of which involves persistent violations of societal norms and the rights of others



relating to society or its organization.

“alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem”

Given the actual definition which adjective would u use to describe your drinking to the point you walked into somebody elses home like you lived there.where i come from thats a home invasion and people get shot or an asshole full of time or if they are lucky a program to address their behaviors.
Trust and believe you dont want to go through what i went through to learn that there is nothing social about me and my alcohol habits.I have to always own the fact i am different than my fellows.For the record there is a reason why churches stopped giving a sip of wine during communion which is the only form of social drinking i ever heard of and even that was till it just wasnt anymore.Because as they found out was that for alot of alcoholics it started with that one social sip of wine at church.


Tough to hear but fair. I was very lucky to get out of the situation with no lasting impacts. I see what you are referring to, I am clearly not a social drinker based on my past.

You are a binge drinker. That’s a form of alcoholism. Yes, the 12th drink is a problem, but the first drink is THE problem, because after that you don’t stop. You can drink only once every week or two and still be an alcoholic because you don’t have an off switch and your behavior is out of your control.


I have found it to be easier to explain why i dont drink to people(i am allergic-dont believe me put one in me and i instantly break out in handcuffs) amd abstain from alcohol , than it is for me to apologize the next day to the people my actions have harmed when i was under the influence while drinking.