What am I thinking?! I'm thinking healthy

I hit 30 days sobriety and in recovery today. Now I’ve moved on to my next goal… day 1 quit smoking.


Good luck. That will be my next goal also. I am at 25 days today and still don’t have strong will to start but I feel that my decision to quit smoking is growing stronger.

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Good luck, you’ve got this! Hang in there, it’s such a hard thing to do but I have every confidence in you! Let yourself be cranky and fidgety during the 3 day hump.

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I too need to quit smoking! I seem to be using to compensate for not having booze or unhealthy foods :persevere: well done on your first day smoke free :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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I quit smoking in November and it was one of the BEST things that I have ever done! I got through it by teaching myself how to sew and by smoking an herbal blend (organic herbs, no nicotine) for a few days. Lots of licorice helped, too!

Good luck!

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