I personally just try to do whatever I can to distract my self whether it be reading or going for a run or whatever it is but I was wondering what works best for other people so if you could please comment what works for you that would be awesome! THANKS!!!
When an urge or temptation comes over me I immediately do a mindfulness exercise. It grounds me in the moment.
What works for me personally is a bit counterintuitive. I like to embrace the urge. I immediately tell myself that I will not drink, no matter how strong the craving or whatever brought about the association. Then I think about it rather deeply, wonder why it happened, name it (ok, I just wanted a drink because I was…fill in the blank), think about what I can do next time I have that particular association, and so on and so forth. I find that reflecting on it gives me better control the next time it happens, rather than trying to suppress or ignore. This may not be good for everyone, but for me it’s worked well.
I haven’t had a true urge in months, thanks to God for removing my obsession, but when I did and if I do again I will kill the romance of the first drink by playing the tape.
I did a lot of research on being drunk and the kind of heartless soulless monster it can transform me into.
Netflix and chocolate is a good help for me at the moment
I know it may sound childish but i have been playing the PS4 to keep me occupied and more specifically God of War lol
I find that if I’m really trying to go my own way… Just to stop and say the Serenity prayer at least 3 x’s until I feel the strength.
Not childish any more than other media (e.g. Netflix) is. The gamer stigma is something I’d like to diffuse a bit. Like any other media, it has its purpose. Like other media, it can have a variety of content. Like other media, it stimulates the brain. IMHO it’s all about what you’re using it for, what you’re letting into your brain, and life balance.
Sometimes I want to immerse myself in storytelling, and I do that with a video game. Sometimes I want to engage other areas of my brain, so I play strategy games. Sometimes I get bored of regular guitar practice, so I plug it into my computer and play Rocksmith. Sometimes I need to relax at the end of the day, or I need to distract myself out of a negative thought pattern, and then I just play whatever the crap I need to in order to snap out of it.