What are you doing to get through quarantine?

Can you please just delete my account?

Gaming , writing my feelings or poems , reading , put music on and just dance lol ā€¦thereā€™s a few things you can do to stay positive , sober , and happy ā€¦( seriously , not going to lie , I started just blasting music and dancing not caring how I looked just having fun and youā€™ll be surprised on how much of a mood booster that isā€¦even when I find myself very depressed

Hello :raising_hand_woman:t4:
I found very useful to have an order in my day to day time. I wake up and go sleep at same(ish) time every day. I originally started doing it because I didnā€™t want to interrupt my sleeping pattern and so going back to work and wake up early is not going to be such a shock for my body. But I have actually found it very great for me! Normally I would wake up at 4:45am when I had to go to work, now I am waling up around 6am. So getting back to 5am is not going to hurt me I believe :smile: But Iā€™m generally day type, not night owl. It is important for everybody to find their ideal sleeping time :wink:

As one of first things in the morning, I am having a coffee. I am morning coffee lover and it just really get me awake :coffee: Then I go run every morning. It depends on my mood, weather and few more circumstances how far I run. It can be between 5 to 15km :muscle:t3::running_woman:t2: I love it. Itā€™s great meditation and some activity which starts my day with very good feeling. Plus it keeps me fit :sunglasses: You can do whatever else activity you preferā€¦ Maybe bike ride, yoga, stretching, bodybuilding, walkingā€¦ But I very recommend to include some fitness because start your day with endorphines will motivate you to whatever you want to do next in your day :wink:
After I have a shower itā€™s ussualy after noon and then itā€™s different. I am doing whatever I feel like. Reading books (like crime), going for walk, photography, laying on the sun, listening podcasts (I am using Podbean app), skyping with my family, cooking, watching TV, using online courses to study, meditatingā€¦etc. etc.
I am home about approx. 5 weeks and there was not even 1 day I would be bored. I love this time for myself and I know I could have 1 year and I wouldnā€™t have enough of it :joy: But itā€™s probably also because of my personality :blush::smile::smile:

I took an online drawing birds class and need to do some sketches before the next class on Thursday.
Really going bonkers these last few days. Argh!
Watched three movies last night and didnā€™t go to bed until after one. Donā€™t think that was the best decision. :mask: