What are you drinking?

Will say night night Conor snd hope Rebecca feels better soon

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I found a recipe online that I am going to try. It looks pretty easy. I will let you know how it turns out.

Is an herbal infusion a tea bag, or some other type of something-or-other?

I would love this! I hope they sell it here.

I like this much better than La Croix.


This is my before bed tea. It’s so yummy and relaxing.


Like the others said, ginger beer’s a fair bit different. This is the one I like (I imagine you have PC brand in your neck of the woods too), and it’s like $2. Expect a spicier, less sweet drink. My roommates didn’t like it, but I loved it.



I’ve never seen anything like that here in Texas. I wonder if they stick it somewhere obscure in the stores. Never have seen it advertised either.

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It tends to be less easy to find. In the pop/flavoured drinks section, I usually find one, or maybe two bottle (rows/brands) of ginger beer, and I have to look for it specifically or I’ll miss it. And I haven’t seen it in cans, just the 2L bottles.

It is often by the tonic waters and mixers.

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Just searched my grocery app and they have it in bottles at my local store but not the 2L. I’ve just never looked for it. :blush: They even have an alcoholic version. :roll_eyes::confused:

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I’ve made two drink changes since quitting alcohol.

  1. Ditched the plain coffee, you know, Folgers/Maxwell House/Tim Hortons/grocery store brand stuff. Bought a burr grinder and coffee press for cheap. Now I get nicer whole bean coffee and grind it fresh for the press every morning, and it is a totally different experience. It almost needs to be called something different than the other coffee. Such a treat. :star_struck:

  2. Lots more tea, specifically green tea! Sencha and genmaicha. Or green tea with spearmint, my personal favourite combo. And genmaicha is perfect for when you want a “cozy” drink, the toasted rice smell is just perfectly comforting :blush:


I haven’t seen any 2L in my grocery stores. I am a food broker, so I am in stores every day and always looking for new varieties of ginger beer. If you like ginger, give it a try. I really like ginger!


Nice find!

Oh totally random question. Even though beverage sizes here in Canada are listed in L or mL, the actual container size is usually dictated by a convenient number of ounces like in the US, like a 12 ounce can for example. So for us it looks like a weird size like 355mL. Are 2L bottles the same down there, like 67.6 ounces? 2.11 quarts? 0.53 gallons? Or do they just list it in litres/L because it’s nice and round that way? :smile: I have this curious mind, you see…

Typical sizes of beverages/liquids here 12oz cans, 16.9oz bottles, 20oz bottles, 2L bottles, 1Quart (usually diary products like milk, cream), 1/2 Gallon and 1 Gallon. I think that answers your question? :wink:

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It does, thanks! :slight_smile:

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Yeah, wouldn’t it be great if that was the price for a 12pk?? A different grocery store sells 12pks of Waterloo for $5.99. That’s why when they go on sale like this for the 8pks I buy them in bulk. It’s still cheaper than wine and liquor. That’s what I tell myself. Black Cherry is my favorite. Then Watermelon and Strawberry. Yum!

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We have a tea drawer, too!

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Whoa. :open_mouth: La Croix is usually on constant sale here for $4 USD per 12 pack.

Unless it’s super on sale, then it’s $3.00-$3.50.

$6.25 when I looked today. Add taxes, deposit, then convert to USD gives $5.81. :man_shrugging:

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