Will say night night Conor snd hope Rebecca feels better soon
I found a recipe online that I am going to try. It looks pretty easy. I will let you know how it turns out.
Is an herbal infusion a tea bag, or some other type of something-or-other?
I would love this! I hope they sell it here.
Like the others said, ginger beer’s a fair bit different. This is the one I like (I imagine you have PC brand in your neck of the woods too), and it’s like $2. Expect a spicier, less sweet drink. My roommates didn’t like it, but I loved it.
I’ve never seen anything like that here in Texas. I wonder if they stick it somewhere obscure in the stores. Never have seen it advertised either.
It tends to be less easy to find. In the pop/flavoured drinks section, I usually find one, or maybe two bottle (rows/brands) of ginger beer, and I have to look for it specifically or I’ll miss it. And I haven’t seen it in cans, just the 2L bottles.
It is often by the tonic waters and mixers.
Just searched my grocery app and they have it in bottles at my local store but not the 2L. I’ve just never looked for it. They even have an alcoholic version.
I’ve made two drink changes since quitting alcohol.
Ditched the plain coffee, you know, Folgers/Maxwell House/Tim Hortons/grocery store brand stuff. Bought a burr grinder and coffee press for cheap. Now I get nicer whole bean coffee and grind it fresh for the press every morning, and it is a totally different experience. It almost needs to be called something different than the other coffee. Such a treat.
Lots more tea, specifically green tea! Sencha and genmaicha. Or green tea with spearmint, my personal favourite combo. And genmaicha is perfect for when you want a “cozy” drink, the toasted rice smell is just perfectly comforting
I haven’t seen any 2L in my grocery stores. I am a food broker, so I am in stores every day and always looking for new varieties of ginger beer. If you like ginger, give it a try. I really like ginger!
Nice find!
Oh totally random question. Even though beverage sizes here in Canada are listed in L or mL, the actual container size is usually dictated by a convenient number of ounces like in the US, like a 12 ounce can for example. So for us it looks like a weird size like 355mL. Are 2L bottles the same down there, like 67.6 ounces? 2.11 quarts? 0.53 gallons? Or do they just list it in litres/L because it’s nice and round that way? I have this curious mind, you see…
Typical sizes of beverages/liquids here 12oz cans, 16.9oz bottles, 20oz bottles, 2L bottles, 1Quart (usually diary products like milk, cream), 1/2 Gallon and 1 Gallon. I think that answers your question?
It does, thanks!
Yeah, wouldn’t it be great if that was the price for a 12pk?? A different grocery store sells 12pks of Waterloo for $5.99. That’s why when they go on sale like this for the 8pks I buy them in bulk. It’s still cheaper than wine and liquor. That’s what I tell myself. Black Cherry is my favorite. Then Watermelon and Strawberry. Yum!
We have a tea drawer, too!
Whoa. La Croix is usually on constant sale here for $4 USD per 12 pack.
Unless it’s super on sale, then it’s $3.00-$3.50.
$6.25 when I looked today. Add taxes, deposit, then convert to USD gives $5.81.