Grateful for a great nights sleep
My Sunday morning at home with God
My devotionals.
And Talking Sober app
My coffee.
Grateful for a free day today to do whatever I want and a nice dinner tonight with my daughter and son-in-law.
My health.
Every sober morning and day and evening.
Grateful to not be woken up in the middle of the night with crushing headaches that use to keep my awake and writhing in pain and sleeplessness.
I am grateful for my family and friends who always support me
Grateful for waking up with no hangover
Grateful for all the meetings I visit
Grateful for the Talking Sober community
Grateful for my 7 whole days clean
Grateful for that I can visit a party without the obsession I must snort some drugs
Grateful that I met a friend of mine who I’ve didn’t seen in ages
Today in grateful for trust being built between me and my family it’s a working progress,I’m grateful I have a home,I’m grateful I have a program.happy Sunday all
I woke up in a really low mood today. I had that little voice in my head saying “if you were to take something/drink then this feeling would go away” but luckily, the voice that says “no, you’re just having a bad day, what else can you do to make you feel fulfilled today? This will pass” is louder. So for that I’m grateful.
I’m also grateful that I was able to take my daughter to see her first sunset today. Knowing that if I had drank, that wouldn’t have been possible.
And yes I’m feeling better now.
The people here at TS because they allow me to learn myself and to correct my behaviours while remaining kind to me… I really appreciate that because I am working on it…
Today I am grateful for the wonderful people in my life, my life is abundant with love, friendship and kindness. Thank you, God, for all of the blessings being sent my way, I am grateful for the life I’ve been given and don’t want to take it for granted. Thank you for the wisdom and courage You’ve given me. I hope to use it to help myself on this sober journey and to help others
I am grateful to God because He forgive me and always gives me chances to start again. I am grateful to have persons around me who teach me to love better
I’m grateful for my daughter.
I’m grateful for the strength to abstain at yet another family dinner out at a great restaurant with a fantastic cocktail list that everyone else ordered from.
I’m grateful I didn’t even have the urge to drink last night.
I grateful for the family vacation coming up in March. Grateful for my health. The great nights sleep last night. Coffee. My wife. My children and niece and their spouses. Thank you God that my 2 children and my niece and their spouses are all in a great place in their lives right now.
Grateful for another sober morning.
Spending time with God. Devotionals. And my gratitude lists. A great nights sleep. My health. My dog Minnie. Sitting by the fireplace. Emotional well being. And all the things God has blessed me with that I don’t deserve.
I am grateful for a strong mind
Today I am grateful
- For being able to get up and out of bed
- For being able to have a second job, and help the elderly. I always lover being a nurse aid.
- For my therapist
- My two beautiful girls
5.and even tho me and my mother have are ups and downs, I’m so grateful she has given me and my girls a safe place to sleep. - Maintaining these 23 days sober.
- And of course all of yours support
I’m grateful for another sober morning.
I’m grateful my dog got good results from the cardiologist.
I grateful the biopsy from dermatologist showed up and he squeezed my wife into his schedule yesterday to cut out the skin cancer he found. Grateful I’m actually enjoying a sober life. Discovering a sober life is actually easier. And grateful I’m discovering a sober life is more manageable. My health. This roof over my head. Grateful for my Pilates instructor. And always grateful God made that Coffee Bean.
Grateful to be able to sleep in this morning. And wake up with out a hangover again. Grateful to have all my pets around me this morning giving me love even though they were probably just hungry . Wonderful coffee. No morning headaches. A beautiful morning. My sober attitude. My clear head. My health. My time spent each morning with my God, Devotionals, and you guys at talking sober at sober time app.
I’m grateful for the warm and having a bath and being lazy. I really want a drink right now but just got out of a hot bath and can’t be bothered to go out and get one.
I’m grateful that the petrol tank fell off at the garage and bc I don’t drink and smoke had the money to take it in early or I would be dead or burning about now.
I am grateful to not have a alcohol drug addict abusing ex bf…I am grateful for my 2 young boys and my supportive family:raised_hands: And I’m also grateful for going to work everyday with no hangover
Greatful I have more time to do things I want to do before I die
I’m grateful for me six weeks in Santa Monica I love it out here. I’m grateful for the God given strength to be sober the whole time out here in SM. I’m grateful to be going back home to Flagstaff tomorrow. I’m grateful for the yard I’ll have in Flagstaff to let the dogs out off leash. Grateful for the joy all my dogs and cats give me. I’m grateful that after the long drive home tomorrow I won’t reward myself with booze. I’m grateful my dog just got up on my lap. I’m grateful said dogs heart murmur is a low grade heart murmur and she’ll be ok. I’m grateful I can afford my dogs cardiologist. I’m grateful for all no the things I have that I do not deserve.
I’m grateful for an amazing family and the ability to be present for them.
Grateful for the fantastic health insurance that covers my family’s special needs.
Grateful for a job that challenges me and my newfound motivation that sobriety brings.
Grateful I can eat gluten when so many around me are allergic.