What are you hoping to gain from Sobriety?

New here and just thought i would start this thread to see everyones why. I don’t always drink heavy but when I am drinking I don’t take care of my body, it start to gain weight. So I am hoping to gain a better body and a calm anxiety free mind.


Welcome here. I pledge on my sober app every day for two affirmations.

I want an amazing life with my husband

I want to be the healthiest I can be so my later years will be filled with happiness and not major health issues which could have been prevented.


Since you are new and i do not wanna scare you away i am going to keep it simple and skip the gory details.My “why” to put it simply is my life depended on it…Plus I am allergic ;everytime I took a hit or a sip I instantly brokeout in handcuffs, if I was lucky enough!!!


I want to be present with my wife and family. I don’t want to be “floating”, just waiting for my next fix. I want to be present with myself, and present with them.


Welcome to the community!

What I hope to get out of sobriety is a fair shot to be the best that I can be.

Life’s too short for that other B.S., I know that now.


My why is I want to know the real me. Drinking me is not the real me. And hungover me is not the real me. Ive got to know the real me in the many different months stretches of sobriety.


I don’t want to succumb to my addictions and be fuled by them. They make me feel horrible and they control me. I am so done with it.

I want to be able to say no and walk away. I don’t want to wrestle every day and feel shame and guilt because I made the choice to indulge.

This isn’t living. This is being ruled and trapped.


I desperately want my sanity and freedom back!!! I am so tired of being a nicotine addict!


My self esteem and my self respect, I know that we’ve done things that we’re not proud of and I am so ashamed of myself and some of the things I did while being an active alcoholic…I have made myself a promise to get them back, I owe it to myself.


Myself, my creativity, my sense of worth and my ability to become organized more consistently over time. Even though it’s been just 2.5 years I still have a lot to learn and try out