What are you proud of today?

Yesterday we had neighbors over for dinner, and everyone was drinking wine and beer. I was offered both and refused, stuck to water with mango flavor instead, even though social situations like that really stress me out and alcohol would have made it easier. I’m proud I was able to do that.

What are you proud of today?
Why are you proud of yourself today?


Im on day 7. Even though my son and his wife dont drink I always do to handle my grandsons lol…My son didn’t say anything nor does he ever but I knew he was proud. I’m going to make this work.


Forgot to say we went over last night for my birthday dinner.

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I’m proud that this is day 12, and I’m still getting to go to work in my own car for now. Proud to be here among so many understanding people


Way to go on staying true to ur recovery!

Today I am really proud of how I am sticking to my healthy living goals! After getting clean i gained an enormous amount of weight. Along with a binge eating disorder, it only got worse. Today is day 8 of no binge eating and day 8 of living a healthier way of life (exercise, eating healthy food etc)


Good morning, Day 2 (again) for me. I’m proud that this time an also for the 1st time, I am using tools like this, Smart Recovery and Better Help. I am going to learn to build a community of strength and support.


I’m proud of the fact that I can now trust myself to carry cash in my wallet without fear of blowing it at the local bottle shop. I’m proud that I am now so repelled by alcohol that I simply just do NOT want it ever again.


I’m proud of me that today is day #37 im proud that today at work my analysis were correct ( this was the first time which i prepared them totally sober). Im proud that i don’t drink for example now because I had a tough conversation with one person and usually when I have this kind of conversation I drink and now NO :slight_smile:


I chose myself today :heart:


Welcome Cat, I’m glad you found us. I would not be sober without participating daily on the beautiful sober forum.
Congrats or your day 2


Proud that i am no longer a slave to my cravings for my DOC, yes i still get cravings sometimes but i am proud that i now have the knowledge and understanding that its simply the mechanics of my brain attempting to go back to the old way of 'coping" that i myself trained it to do…when a craving crops up i no longer think wow i really need a drink i think whats going on in my life that im feeling the need to comfort over/escape from, im proud of that.


Beautifully said! And how I feel too when I get a rare craving. I am really grateful for this little pause before I react so I can make better choices for myself.
I am proud I said no to a drink today for the *th time when everyone else was drinking.


I am greatful that today I am able to be a part of my children and grandchildrens life and have a clear mind while doing so


Happy Be-lated Birthday :birthday:

I’m proud that I didn’t harm anyone today.
Only in my head.


Today I went grocery shopping, made a beautiful shrimp scampi and then went to therapy and finally made a perfect dairy free carrot cake! I’m proud of myself for working through my fatigue, and through my urges to self harm and still had a productive and happy day!


I’m super proud of myself for the following:

Having a healthy bowl of oatmeal and fresh fruit instead of 3 shots of vodka at 7am

Being able to work with a clear mind and attend meetings without feeling fatigued and slow

Looking at all the weight I loss when I see myself in the mirror

Being able to stay up late and not be passed/blacked out by 6pm

Being able to talk to my kids coherently anytime after 3pm….and purposely not pick up

REM sleep!!

I could go on…….


I am proud that I am on day 74 and have been home finally for 10 days since being in rehab for the past 61, since October 30,2023 and IM STILL SOBER!! I am proud of myself for picking up Yoga while in rehab and still using that today to help me get through!


I did the same thing yesterday. Damn it feels good. I still have moments but on day 9 and feeling good about it. I am taking naltrexone it seems to be helping. Good luck


That’s always the best way to start the day.

@WilliamBloke doesn’t it feel great?

@Jules000 that carrot cake looks delicious!