What Are You Sipping On Today...Fresh Thread

I made a fresh topic for this because the old one was so long it was giving my old tablet a tummy ache.
Kombucha is my favourite. However, it is too expensive for a person on disability to have regularly, and ppl do not have that around to share, as they do other (bad) potables. So I came up with an alternative. Orange juice mixed with about half a can of V8 spicy. Not everyone can have hot spicy stuff, but for those who can…this is really, really delightful and if you are very lethargic, like I am, it gives you a good kick.

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The other topic is still current and should be used to keep the forum tidy. You can get to the bottom of that thread very easily.

Click on the number at the bottom of your screen.

Then either choose jump to or drag the bar on the right side.

I’m going to close this one.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: What are you sipping on today?