What can You do to nourish your physical body?

Today or whenever you see this thread pause and listen to what your body is saying it needs. How does it feels?

Does it need a nap or do you need to get up and move around? Are you clenching your jaw because you are in a stressful situation and your body is demanding you step aside to relax? Stop and pay attention.

I believe that we often move around our day mindlessly with out really pausing and listening to our bodies.

For example: Without pausing I assume my body needs chocolate:-). Its becoming a mindless action. But the reality is I have a slight headache and I am thirsty and know I have not been drinking enough fluids. Which happens alot when I am busy. So pausing to fill up my water.

What do you need today to nourish your physical body?


Thoughtful post, I so appreciate the mindfulness. Thank you!