What did people do to curb cravings in early sobriety? I just hit 30 days šŸ„³

@Justkeepgoing thanks so muchā€¦ no not at all I love stories like, I read a lot of this how people apologise for telling their own experience, I too am guilty of this, it is our anxiety telling us that we are not worth of talking about ourselvesā€¦ but I actually love how when we ask a question someone can relate or tell how their experience of this has happened and we must try to regain our self worth and accept that we are so worthy of speaking about ourselves.
I can totally relate to a million different thought in 12 seconds this is my life. :joy::joy: and the shopping part is always hard but I thank god for the masks at the minute even in all their annoyance they seem to work as a shield for people who like to hide away. I find when Iā€™m out in public unmasked I avoid talking to people I know but since wearing the mask Iā€™m making more of an effort to say hello to people I know lolā€¦ strange world/mind we live inā€¦ :joy: thank you so much for sharing your experience itā€™s so good to hear people speaking out.
Day one is better thank day zero and before you know it you will be further down the line and looking back so proud and reaping all the benefits of being sober.
Stay strong I have no doubt you can do this.

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Yes Shell6000!!! Congratulations.


You sound just like I did at the start.
Everytime I went in a shop I would almost physically fight with myself.
Shouting no in my head to all the thoughts going round and round.
All the things the ā€œvoiceā€ is saying trying to justify getting something to drink.
All the times at work when I would start to walk towards my car to go and get some then stop, fighting an internal battle to stop myself.
We do whatever we need to do because that is the only way we can get through the constant battering our addiction gives us.
Keep at it, it does get easier.
Just like anything in life, the more we do it the better we get at it.
These days I go days without even thinking about it.
I donā€™t drink! My choice.


Good stuff! Way to go