What dives me to use


Well I guess I’ll start from the first time I felt the feeling of heroin. I was 15 years old and I was a horrible kid. I had anger issues ,confidence issues and a serious dislike for any authority figures. I was a a friend of mines house. “We’ll call her Katie!”
Me and 4 of my other “friends” were all smoking pot and having a good time laughing talking about what life was back before life even started its endeavor.
Well one of our friends had already been experimenting with snorting herion. Had brought a 10 pack of Synge s and asked if anyone else wanted to try some. At that point two of them became uncomfortable and left the house.
Well at 15 years old I looked at Katie and gave a look of concern but excitement. Needless to say she did the same. So mike the guy who had it said don’t be scared about how to do it. If you’re gonna do it you should feel the best way to do it.

Being a 15 year old dumb ass kid who was in love with Katie I have to add I would have done anything to be excepted by this beautiful girl.

I watched Mike put it in the door in the spoon. At this point he has my full attention. Focused on every movement and word he says I watch him pull the water up the needle and spray it ever so gently over the brown power on the spoon. The he starts to heat the bottom of the spoon and explains how you have to dissolve the powder and then drop the cotton in the water. After giving him more attention then I have ever given in school so curious and intrigued. He asked who wants to go first. And with that and the fact I wanted Katie so bad if she was going to do it i was. Like idk I thaugh it would create some kind of different bond then what we had. I jumped on the opportunity “I want it. But you’re gonna have to show me how to do it I said to him.” At this moment is where my whole life changed. I took off my belt and placed it around my arm. Said to Katie hey I’m a little scared and idk if I want to do this. (This is where my dick was doing the thinking for me. )
She grabbed my hand held it out her head on my shoulder and told me “don’t worry cory I’m right here with you and I’m going to do it right after you so we’ll both be feeling the same thing together”. So with the Persuasion of the girl I wanted to be with And my dicks thinking I told Mike to do it.

Not mowing what to expect I feel the needle poke threw the skin ever so slowly as my anxiety starts to climb. I watch Mike draw back the plunger and I watch a little bit of blood flood into the liquid inside of the Syringe and “here you go get ready”. I take a breath in and then I breathed out. By the time I fully exhaled I could taste vinegar under my toung. At this point he’s pulling the needle out of my arm and felt the (feeling that I wish I never felt my whole life. There was what felt like a warm blanket wrap my body so tight. And a feeling of what I could only explain at the time was full peace. ( something I never had as a kid. Next to the girl I had madly been I “love “. With for 3 years. All in all at that point in life it was the greatest feeling I had ever felt up to that point. So as it really starts to kick in mike gives Katie her shot and she laid onto my chest. With my arms around her and us experiencing what ever that was that was happening. We lied there nodding off scratching each others faces laughing at the feeling of the drugs and what I that love was we nodded of and on for the next several hours.

When the high was over Katie and I had been talking for a bit she took my virginity. And I feel in “love”. From that point on every waking minute of every day I just wanted to be with her and do things together. (We were in the hippy group at our school). We would play Jacky sack smoke with our buddy’s and have a good time every day. But it seemed like that was the only thing that she would talk about in school. Or with our friends. And when we were together that’s all she wanted.

( this is how I learned that drugs gets you sex). So we quit hanging out with our friends and became each others downfall. Both of us dropped out of school and started dating became close, and started using a lot more frequently.

Fastforward 4 months. I’m shooting up at least a half gram a day and she is as well. At this point the Physical addiction aspect had kicked in with full force and we stared to get like really dope some without it. And this is where life begins to really hit the fan after the downward spiral. We start stealing anything that we could. From anyone It didn’t matter (((. I even stole my grandmothers wedding ring’s and a wad of 100 dollar bills she had been saving))) We did literally anything we could to get our bag for the day. Now I really started to struggle with my morals and honestly hated every minute of when we were together. I no longer wanted to be with the beautiful girl with the ugly sole. She helped me lose my Individual being and self worth. Try to convince me we didn’t have enough we needed to steal more from the liquor form the store because the dealer would trade.

So we’re about 8 to ten months into an intravenous addiction my arms are discusting Abscess all over my left arm my veins were blowing out and I looked like a walking skeleton. I approach a buddy of mine and come up with “the greatest plan in the world.” Mind u this ended me up in prison for 3 years at 16 years old. There was a liquor store we would steal from almost every other day. So I come up with the bright idea to throw a brick through the front door or the store….
“Because the alarm only goes off if the door opens……. Dumb ass kid!”
Confident me and my buddy walk up to the store throw a brick as hard as we could over and over and over. The entire window is cracked spidered.
It was safety glass so it didn’t brake easy at all.

So after our first fails attempt we ran to a house that was half a block down that was for sale. We broke into it and waited to see if the cops were going to show up. We waited about 20 minutes and Nothing so we went back but this time we were getting g in. There was a little hole in the window. So we doin a peace of pipe that was at the house we broke into. And wedged in the hole and started to pry our way in. After a minute the hole began to open and I started to boot that window as hard as I could. We squeezed into the hole. We’re in it to win it now. And for some reason the alarms weren’t going off. So we started throwing everything we could into our backpacks we bought. Back packs full of cartons of cigarettes and liquor bottles we make a brake for it. We weren’t I the store fine mine the. A minute. We run to the broken in house. We unloaded everything and looking at the biggest score of my life sipping a bottle and smoking cigarettes watching to see what happens at the store 5 mins go bi 10 20. Still no cops. We decided to go again. So as we are in the store he’s grabbing bottles I’m grabbing cigarettes something started to beep. We asked what should we do. We decided to stay in there. At this point we had to have been in there for 3 mins. I start to pull out the rolls of lottery tickets and boom!!! Alarms start ringing we’re both so scared we run out the store. Now I’m not paying attention as I’m coming out and got caught on the window. I tripped and a bottle fell from the bag in the process and broke. When I hit the ground I got cut really bad so I took it back t in the house. After sittin in the house for a few hours half wasted on
Segram seven and have scratched probly 6000 dollars in scratch tickets there was no activity at the store. Now at this point we have way more than we could ever carry. Probably like 30 bottles of alcohol 100 cartons of cigarettes.

We went back. Did a real quick sweep of the remaining scratcher tickets and then it dawned on me the register was right there. My buddy takes off out of the store as I’m trying to open the drawer. After not being able to get it open I ripped the thing out of the wall picked up the whole thing and tryed to get out the window.

Surprise surprise I can’t get out the window and get it out at the same the. So I opened the door and took the register with me. Now at this point I hear the cops coming In the distance they’re coming g this time. I made it to the hour and me and my buddy had a field day the rest of the night. We drank smoked scratched tickets. Hit the biggest score of our life’s. Only problem is now there’s probly 15 to 20 squad cards at the gas station driving around the neighborhood. We loaded up 1000s of packs of cigarettes into our backpacks and come up with the idea just walk right past them.

(It fucking worked!!! We had walked right past acting like we were going to school. Remember I dropped out. He didn’t. Truntcy officeres are a real thing come to find out. So after being up all night drinking g and partying we took the this up to his room dump everything g out and decided to take a nap for a bit and go back after everything died down. There was piles of scratch ticked and mounted of cigarettes just dipped everywhere. Didn’t think about it and we laid down. Next thing I know boom!boom!boom!!!

His dad don’t know we just made the biggest mistake of our life’s. He told the cop to go wake him up because he thaught I would teach my buddy a lesson.
Lessons were definitely learned that day.

The cop opens the door sees everything just scattered about two drunk teenagers wasted. And put 2 and 2 together rather fast. We were in cuffed and in the back of a squad car in the bleank of an eye. This is just the beginning of my story….!!


Welcome to Talking Sober :wave: :innocent:

The things we do for our addictions are crazy. Addiction is crazy.

In addiction, I give away everything - love, life, health, trust, respect, everything that makes life good - and in exchange, I get one thing: my addiction.

In recovery - in my healthy life, where I develop healthy recovery relationships and I learn and grow in recovery - I give away one thing (my addiction), and in exchange I get everything: love, life, health, trust, respect, everything that makes life good.

You’re taking a brave step today. Take it one day at a time and keep looking for people who can teach you and coach you. Keep your feet on the ground and keep working and learning your recovery. You will get there.


Hey Bro I hope you find a way out of shooting heroin if you haven’t already that’s what this forum is for and there’s many on here who have kicked this habit. It’s worth it to be clean I often forget that but get reminded of it again and again